Could someone please tell me approx how many points they have lost per inquiry at each bureau. Does it matter what kind of inquiry(car loan, cc or mortgage)?
I think someone said the first inquiry cost 4 points. The more recent the inquires are, the more they hurt your score. The first hard inquiry you get causes the largest drop in points. Each additional hard inquiry causes a smaller amount of damage. Of course this applies to hard inquiries only. As far as car loans or mortgage applications, you are supposed to have a 15 day window to do rate shopping. In other words, If you apply to 17 mortgage lenders in 11 days, it will count as one inquiry. This is the theory. This theory also applies to auto loans. Rate shopping definite does not apply to credit cards. The simplest policy is to space you inquiries 90 days apart and then you don't have to worry about it. Good luck.
I had three hard inquiries on TransUnion over two days. They dropped my score by 15 points total. I had two inquiries on Experian over two days. It did not affect my score. I had two on Equifax over two days and it did not affect my score at all. L
Hubby's Equifax FICO dropped 9 points from two inquiries he did last month. He had only one that was over a year old on it before that.
Well I guess my hubby lost a lot of points, 29 inquiries in the last 5 months??? We didn't know and we wanted a car. Dumb us !! duh We didn't get the car either.