IF I want to apply for a MBNA...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MartysGirl, May 3, 2002.

  1. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    What does my score need to be, who do they pull, or what are the requirments?
  2. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    I applied recently in california and got approved for a plat. card and a gold reserve loc. They pulled TU and Exp. for me. Both scores were in the 680-710 range at the time. I applied over the phone which seems to work better because they will turn you right over to their underwriting dept. You can beg and plead a little without having to PFB after a denial.
  3. IndyGreg

    IndyGreg Well-Known Member

    I applied online for the MBNA Platinum Plus. A TU report was pulled when the application was submitted. It took about 3 weeks for the card to be processed. An inquiry on EXP was made when the card was approved.

    My TU wa approx. 698 with no derogs and my EXP was 730 with no derogs.

    Hope that's helpful.

  4. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: IF I want to apply for a MBNA..


    In my own experience if you have any charge-off account or any negative, MBNA will denied youur application. I applied my Garfield, Mastercard, Barnes & Nobles Platinum Plus MC and Apple Instant Loan (Gold Option Loan) on the websites and they approved me with generous credit limit. They pulled credit from TransUnion and LOC from Experian (2 inquiries).

  5. Ieolus

    Ieolus Active Member

    Re: IF I want to apply for a MBNA..

    I was denied on the phone recently (MBNA) because I didn't have enough history... I PFB'd them yesterday and hopefully they will reconsider soon.
  6. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: IF I want to apply for a MBNA..

    I don't know what number of cards that you can have MBNA. I have three accounts with First USA. I don't they have limited accounts. I know you can have 2 accounts with Citibank.

  7. rubyjean

    rubyjean Well-Known Member

    Re: IF I want to apply for a MBNA..

    There is not any limit in the amount of Cards that you can have with MBNA... A lot of Customers collect Nascar Cards with their favorite Drivers.. Also Professional Sports Cards,,are used by many Customers.. Most of the time in situations like this, MBNA will give preferred Cards.. If a Customer has a sufficient amount of Credit available., A redistribution of the Credit line may be made to open the new Card..
  8. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member


    Did they pull the TU for the LOC ..... (ie, both CRAs) or TU for cc and EXP for LOC?

    Also, how much did you ask for on the LOC?
  9. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    To those who got approved for MBNA Platinum Plus, (Wolverine, IndyGreg, Ron, etc..)
    what kind of limits did you get, and what were your scores at the time?
  10. Taco Tico

    Taco Tico Guest

    They turn me down but I cuss them out.
  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Wow. And after you cussed them out were they scared enough to give you a card?
  12. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    $5500 initial for the platinum
  13. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member


    how much did you ask for when you applied for the LOC?
  14. Tony V.

    Tony V. Well-Known Member

    Applied for QUANTUM,(8.2001) but they gave me
    Plat Plus. Fidelity
    Pulled: transunion, Experian!! for one APP...1.7% for first 6months i think it was,
    GOTO 11.99% product $5,500 CL
    Scores were mid 600's all 3 CRA's
    the Past 6 months I have gotten (2) $500 CL increases...so now CL is $6,500

    They also recently sent me 1.7% BT checks...rate good for only 3 or 4months...ALSO have to pay FEE if i use them...No thanks!!...

    Tony V.
    San Diego

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