Letter to Bush on PFB!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mist, May 3, 2002.

  1. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    Someone e-mailed this to me. It was found on PlanetFeedback:

    Credit Bureaus are pathetic


    To: President George W. Bush

    I realize running this great nation of ours is a tremendous responsibility that takes an incredible amount of time and energy. I'd like to offer you a suggestion that I feel would benefit you and the country. I am a taxpayer and a voter, and I hope and expect you'll give this suggestion serious consideration.

    I am writing to you to voice my frustration and anger with the way credit bureaus operate. The current laws on the books(the Fair Credit Reporting Act) do not do nearly enough to control these corporations and their minions, collection agencies.

    Experian, Transunion, Equifax have created a system of "guilty until proven innocent" that is next to impossible for an ordinary citizen to combat. These corporate monoliths control almost every aspect of daily life. You cannot rent an apartment, buy a car, get utility service, and many others, without these three goliaths approval. Your car insurance rate is even affected by your credit rating!!! Apparently if I am a late on a credit card payment it means that I am a bad driver.

    These credit bureaus put anything that is sent to them on your report and the onus is on you to get it removed. For example, I have several inaccurate entries from collection agencies on my credit reports. I dispute them with the credit bureaus and they supposedly "verify" them. Basically this means that they confirm what has already been placed on your report with whoever placed it there. They don't have to get proof or do any actual "verification. This basically boils down like this.

    1. Company A places incorrect negative information on your credit report.

    2. You dispute the information.

    3. Credit bureau supposedly contacts Company A and says "Is this correct"? Of course, Company A says "Yes it is" What purpose does this serve? They somehow came up with the incorrect information in the first place so of course that is the information that they have in their system. Imagine if the criminal justice system worked this way. Person A accuses Person B. Judge asks Person A "Did you accuse Person B? Person A replies "Why yes I did". Verdict: Guilty.

    4. Credit bureau denies dispute and tells you that you have to contact the Company A yourself.

    5. You contact Company A and demand validation of this alleged debt. By law they are required to do this but 99 times out of 100 they just send you a printout from their computer even when you specify that they must provide actual proof(i.e.signed contract).

    6.Many letters, phone calls, countless wasted hours dealing with abusive companies to no avail. You are up the proverbial creek. You have only one option left and that is to sue them.

    This system is terribly flawed and something must be done. Why are consumers deemed to be guilty until proven innocent? It is patently unfair that ordinary citizens must fight these multimillion-dollar corporations at their own expense.

    The burden of proof should lie with these credit bureaus, not the individual citizen. They publish these reports but recognize no real duty to ensure accuracy even though they are required by law to do so. The laws currently on the books provide no real means of forcing these companies to comply. A violation of the FCRA carries with it a $1000 fine. This is absurd. The credit bureaus basically screw millions of people and the few who are savvy enough and have the resources to fight them in court might be able to get a small amount of relief. The vast majority are out of luck and are at the mercy of predatory lenders, landlords, and insurance agents. The credit bureaus view these fines as simply a cost of doing business. I'm sure it is cheaper to just do business the way they currently do because 99% of the people never fight them.

    The power being wielded by these credit bureaus is completely disproportionate to the amount of regulation they are subjected to. Your credit history becomes more and more vital to everyday life with each passing day. I urge you to introduce legislation to properly regulate these corporations.

    Obviously there is a need for accurate credit information to be made available to potential lenders so they can assess their risk. The current system is riddled with corruption, greed, and abuse. I again urge you to take steps to rectify this situation.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope you'll act on this suggestion, and I expect to hear from you soon.

    Kellie M.
    Manchester, NH
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Hey Mist, Thats my letter...I stole it from I believe JAJ.......lol

    Oh BTW I got some general, "Mr Bush is pushing for peace in the middle east, and our war on terrorism is successful" letter, I also CC'd it to my state reps NO RESPONSE
  3. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    That is such a great letter. Keep it up...we should all keep it up in attacking this awful system which makes the public jump thru burning hoops just to get satisfaction that their reports are "accurate." I could catalog a whole series of inaccuracies on mine since I started looking at them regularly. There still has never been one, not even one, moment in time when any of my reports from the big 3 were ever correct. I sometimes can't believe this is America, it's certainly not what our forefathers had in mind.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I already "SOLVED" the problem...I suggested that you would make your own credit report...100% ACCURATE!!! Anything the "reporting company" disputes MUST be PROVED in writing...computer print-out with the "BADDIE" and your name/address is NOT enough proof...they MUST have like receipts, statements, contracts, etc.

    If they DON'T have enough PROOF in 60 days...it stays!!!
  5. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member


    Can you open up a credit bureau?

    I promise to be your first customer :)
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Pretty well exposes it as a shell game doesn't it?
  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    And your Fico score is your convict number ! !
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    It'd not a system but like any swindle it is awful!
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    By George he's right.
    I figure it will happen about the same time we start storing ice cubes on the sun.

  10. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    On a rampage today lb? I've counted about 50 responses from you and they're all identical. We know what you are saying. You do NOT have to reply 10 times to each post. Take your meds and calm down.
  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    He is trying for FIRST PLACE with NO SUBSTANCE...
  12. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Should I "QUOTE" myself too???
  13. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    Go for it! :)
  14. das72071

    das72071 Well-Known Member

    I was the one who originally wrote this letter in my "Fatally flawed credit system" post several weeks ago. I sent it to all of the members of Congress from Massachusetts and to President Bush.

    The only reply I got back was from John Kerry's office. Here is the first sentence of his reply

    "Thank you for contacting me regarding the regulation of real estate brokerage and management"

    Say what!!!

    Glad to see that they are paying close attention to their constituent's correspondence.
  15. Ieolus

    Ieolus Active Member

    You guys actually expect Bush Jr. to respond? Come on! This guy is completely in big business pockets...

    Great letter though.
  16. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    We have 2 choices?
    1/Deal with them and get treated like dirt.
    2/Don't and don't.
  17. Ieolus

    Ieolus Active Member

    Choice #3: Elect a president who cares about consumers... make up your own mind who that person is.
  18. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member


    I think you're missing the point with credit. Credit is great if you know how to use it wisely and effectively. 0% BTs, no fees, high credit lines, etc. Your money can sit in the bank and make interest while using the CCC 0% interest rate by paying down your balance.

    Yes, some credit card companies are nothing but loan sharks in disguise, but if someone out there is willing to accept paying 30% interest rates and large monthly fees - then they (the CCC) will continue to stay in business. No customers = no business.

  19. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I apologize I thought it was Jaj who wrote it. I too sent it to all members of Congress for NH and NONE of them have responded.

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