Cap One just offerred me another card, which would make this my fourth with them, limit 7500. My question is, does a lot of credit with the same company reflect badly on your Credit Reports?
Well, I'm kind of spread across the board with the ones I have now, but just a couple months ago I got a Platinum with $5000 limit. I thought it was strange that this new offer just came in. The other two cards with them have much lower credit limits, but of course those are my older cards, so I am afraid to move them into something new and lose the history.
I will go for it and see what happens. Thanks, Lizardking for your great advice! BTW, is your name in honor of the Doors?
Give Cooke a call. I had my wife combine her two Cap 1 accounts last month. Mr. Cooke combined them into her oldest account. So he has one tradeline (the history stays intact) and a larger cl. Best regards, Mirage
I had a total of five Cap One accounts as of this past month, but just combined them all (except the KMart Gold) into my Dolphin Sunrise Platinum card. Low go to rate (for best yet!) and 0% until September. L
as long as the accounts are 6 mos old they'll combine them into whichever account you want. So you can keep the oldest account for history but just ask for the terms to be better.
I have always paid balance in full each month, or way over the minimum for larger purchases and I'm wondering if this has been my good luck charm in getting all of these upgrades, etc. They've really been great, I just don't want to overextend myself. I put in a dispute a couple of weeks ago with Equifax and my score dropped 25 points. I don't want to add to that by getting too much new credit.