Please Helllp with Collection!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by shopnspend, May 7, 2002.

  1. shopnspend

    shopnspend Active Member

    Hi Everyone,

    My husband and I were very stupid and signed a contract for a time share during our honeymoon last year in Mexico. When we got home we decided to cancel the contract because we simply could not afford it.

    We sent a letter to RCI and were basically told tough luck. There is no cancellation clause in the contract. So they claim that neither party could cancel. We charged the whole amount to our Credit card, so we contacted the credit card company and disputed the charge. Ultimately we got credited the money back.

    Now RCI has sent our account to a collection Agency. We have never used any of the services of the time share, but they claim that we still owe them the full $5K. They have sent notices and pulled a hard inquiry on our credit reports. I am wondering what I should do next...

    PLEASE help!!! Thank you!

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    The question that stands out in my mind is that jsut because there is no 'cancellation clause' in a contract mean that it cannot be done?

    If anything, there should have been a clause in there that said that they will not honor any requests to cancel.

    I dunno...

    I would consult an attorney about this, too much money riding on this.
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I thought things like that *had* to have a three day cooling off period?

  4. CredtQuest

    CredtQuest Well-Known Member

    Maybe because they signed the contract in Mexico? It might not be an American contract.....?
  5. shopnspend

    shopnspend Active Member

    Thanks for the answers/questions. I thought that the lack of a cancellation clause would be the issue.. They are saying that the cooling off period does not apply because we signed the contract in Mexico and that it applies to Mexican laws (whatever the heck that means)..Can anyone suggest a place to call to find out what the law is or what rights we would have?

    Thanks again for all of your help
  6. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    Can a debt incurred out of country be included on your U.S. credit report? For that matter, can a contract, signed in Mexico be enforced in the U.S.?

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Good question...

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