Ford Motor Credit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mike101, May 7, 2002.

  1. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    Has anyone ever had any luck getting Ford Motor Credit to refinance at a lower rate? Have had a loan with them for a year, paying more interest than what I would like but at the time I secured the loan I was grateful just to get it. Wife asked a couple of months ago and they said that â??they donâ??t do thatâ?.
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Mike big finance companies don't do that, for the most part, Ford being one of them. Try your local credit union, I was suprised in the difference in interest rate they offered me, and they pulled my worst report!

    I went from 11.99- 6.25
    and 9.5-5.74
  3. getsmart

    getsmart Well-Known Member

    We do not lower interest rates. Only thing to do is to go to a bank or a credit union. Finance companies have to borrow money from banks so that is why we have to charge our customers a higher rate than the offer u would get from a traditional bank

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    "WE DON'T LOWER INTEREST RATES"...ok, you lose the account all-together!!!

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