I checked my scores today.....I've gone down 7 points! No changes in my credit profile. My husband has gone up 39 POINTS with no changes in his credit profile! I have approx 7 positives and 4 negatives. My husband has 1 positive and 8 negatives. And his score is higher than mine!!!! Anyone else have a recent increase/decrease? LB
Nope. Mine has only moved by about 10 points in the last months. Right now it is in the middle of that 10 point range.
My coworker's went up 24 points since yesterday for a $2900 payoff. Ex and Eq seem to bounce around like ping-pong balls. TU, on the other hand, (at least the ones I follow) seems to stay steady in a very tight range. Has anyone had big increase/decreases on TU?
My TU bounces around a lot more than the other 2. In the beginning of 12/01 my score was 650, and at the end of the month, after I got my last major derog deleted my score dropped to 615 (I think this was because the derog was old and without it my oldest tradeline was only 2 years old.) 3/02 I had a 6 year old 4k unpaid charge off reappear on the report and my score jumped to 673 (although when my CU pulled it they got a score of 592). After I got the CO deleted, my score dropped to 653. For me EQ & EX scores have been much more stable -- showing a gradual increase of about 25 points in the past 6 months with only slight fluctuations. ellen