How was your scores when you got it? Did you have any negatives and how old? How much credit did you have in general when you got the card? I also noticed that soem of you dispute then applied? How did that go if you done that? Thanks
Re: For those of U who have a Targe MartysGirl, I don't have any negative when I applied Target Visa last year. They denied me first time and somehow they found out I have a charge-off Mervyns account back in 90. I reapplied after a month and I got approve. They pulled credit from Equifax. By the way I already have Target Guest for over two yrs when I applied for Target Visa last year. Ron.
Re: For those of U who have a Targe Martysgirl, my husband received instant approval a month or two ago for the Target Visa. His EQ score is around 697 and he has a 98 Ch. 7 with 7 accounts showing "included in bk". Hope this helps! L