Marci, People like you and others on this board who work for credit card companies should identify yourselves as the bloodsucking vultures you are...I don't need or want YOUR advice.
Keepmine, You wonder why I am worrying about my credit -- it is not to get more credit cards. It's to get a job. Most employers in my line of work check your credit report before they hire you, so this is a huge issue. One that the credit card companies could care less about when they refuse to delete for payment...
Okay, against my better judgement, I'll reply to this... 1. You may be a troll or some feminine version of "bobby". If so, this is my last post to you. 2. In the slim case that you aren't a troll (or for a lurker's benefit), then what does it matter whether the advice you're given comes from a CC employee or not? Sound financial advice is sound financial advice, regardless of the messenger. And - by chance - this is a valid situation, you need to heed all the people's advice who told you to take the 0% deal and jump on it. MBNA won't get better than that... shaking her head in amazement...
Whoa. You have gone too far. Maybe you need to do your homework before you come on this board degrading people who are giving you good, sound advice. Very few people on this board work for the CRAs, CAs, or CCs. Most of us are scientists, accountants, doctors, and computer experts who have come here to find good advice and offer it in return. If you don't like what is being offered and it's not what you want to hear, then I suggest you find another board. Name calling, isn't going to win you any friends. Dani
Marci: Because your "sound financial advice" is biased and in the best interest of the credit card company, YOUR employer. TAKE A HIKE...
Dani, Paleeese, this board is loaded with CC's CA's and the like. Who are your trying to kid? I am not here to make friends, just get out of a jam. Many people have been very helpful -- Marie, darkdoj, among them -- and I am very grateful to them. Their advice is what's sound...and unbiased.
susanna, regardless of who is and isn't working for "the man" you should still weigh the advice. if it doesn't work for you fine.... if credit is your major priorty, the payoff is better for you in my humble opinion. working from a 150-day late is a helluva lot better than working from a chargeoff and an unpaid judgement. the fact that they are willing to reopen your account means that you can start rebuilding with them. if you can afford the payments, do it. your other tradelines are already starting to be impacted. retain the relationship with the one bank that is giving you an opportunity to....GET EVERTHING IN WRITING!
Whoah!!! Marci, even if a cc rep, still HAS SEVERAL valid points. You asked for our advice, which happens to be very reasonable and sound yet you don't like the outcome. Susanna, I told you from personal experience they hold to their word... They WILL reinstate your account 45 days after the paid agreement. It is up to you to pay ON TIME EVERY TIME afterwards or the resulting factor is a closed account. MBNA doesn't have to help you... They could get a judgement and forget about it. But they agreed to help you... the consumer... I think it says a lot about a company in the credit card industry. If you don't take the reinstatement with 2 yr 0% APR, I will be speechless. Pay down the account in the 2 years and you have an MBNA with 2 years of perfect payments... That is a GREAT credit reference. Instant Gratification is not the case with credit... Look around, majority of people have been rebuilding for months if not years. You are at the beginning stages like me. The difference being, I TOOK the MBNA offer and now have paid my balance and took responsibility and have their card in my wallet at a low interest rate for someone who abused their credit... Good luck with whatever you decide. Just don't bash sound advice. This board is for credit repair but understand its mostly about violations and the FCRA. When its a valid debt, that's a different story.
Oh Susanna, Marci is giving you sound advice. People like you who try to abscond with the funds of others ie charging to the tune of twenty grand and saying maybe I should not pay, is the cause of our high interest rates. MBNA would be better off suing your butt off. Denegrating board members will not pay your bills. Anyone with your attitude should be forced to pay their debts or go bankrupt. MBNA is a great company. Believe me, they made a mistake trying to aid you at all. Ignore this troll, Marci. have some real issues if you think everyone who advocates paying your bills works for a credit card company or is otherwise affiliated with them. Believe it or not...some people just think its the right thing to do. Maybe you ought to see if Doc can give you a referral to talk to someone. L
Rubyjean, When you say the account will be reaged after several months, what does that mean? Will the 150-day late be dropped, or will that show for 7 years... Thanks for weighing in on this...
I'm guessing you only want to read what you want to read susanna and if you don't like it that makes the rest of us bloodsuckers. Shame on you for TRYING to slap Marci, that plain won't work on this board. Why don't you utilize the search feature and see if you can find some advice you like. Sassy
Sassy, All Marci had to do was admit she was a CC rep like others have on this board. Some of the CC reps (like rubyjean) are very helpful. Why not be honest about that? People like me who are making a big decision that will affect their families for years to come have a right to know if the advice given is coming from a "biased" source or not. After that, I can take the advice or leave it. What I don't need (and others in my predicament) is to be beat up by CC reps who have axes to grind...
Marci doesn't work for a cc company. She posted something a few weeks ago about her on upcoming layoff. A research grant isn't being renewed and in Sept. she'll be out of work.
Susanna, you have been here a whole 2 months and already you know what everybody does for a living? I think NOT! You are way out of line. If you want help and advice, as you have asked for, then accept the responses. Again, whether or not Marci works for a cc company, (which she does NOT!), her advise, as well as the others you didn't care for, was very good. Take it or leave it, but don't make outlandish accusations. You only make yourself look ridicules.
LKH, The "accusation" is not outlandish -- there are plenty of CC reps on this board. If the shoe didn't fit, all Marci had to do was say so, but she didn't. Why not? I would have apologized. Instead, she hurled attacks at me... And, please don't tell me that you know, for sure, what certain people on this board do for a living. You know what they tell you...