I have finally been approved for an Amex Gold Delta Skymiles card. I never thought I would get an Amex. It has been my long term goal since I started my rehab in March of 2001. I don't know any of the specifics such as loc or apr yet. And, I am also now in house hunting mode. it took quite awhile, but I made it. It can be done.
LKH, Congrats!!! You deserve it... thanks for your help also... I wish i could send you some of this wine i'm drinking, a virtual sip... Way to go
Way to go, LKH. About how long did the entire journey take? Also, thanks for being so helpful along the way. You deserve it!
I'm sure you don't remember me it's been a long time but it's always good to hear a great success story. Congratulations. It's an uphill battle but it looks like you finally made it to the top.
don't forget your options to convert it to a platinum card. I would suggest conversion to the optime platinum cash rebate card, 0% for 6 months, when the 6 months is up, convert to another product that has another intro rate. Repeat as necessary!!! congrats
Thanks everybody. I appreciate it. Soup - They pulled Equifax. My score with Equifax is 686 with no derogs. My score will be higher this month as I recently paid down all my cc's. Also, they truth about installment loans is they do negatively impact your score. I have 4 student loans that are showing as installment loans with no mention of student loans. I disputed them, trying to get them listed as student loans. For some reason 3 of the 4 were changed by the oc, but they didn't respond to one of them and it was deleted, which is fine with me. My score jumped about 30 pts with that removal. Hermit5 - My whole rehab took just short of 1 year. It would have been done sooner, but little problems like gulf state/osi reinserting accts. extended the process.
Thanx for the reply LKH, I'm at the 1 yr mark right now with 1 collection left....it's the most frustrating now....oh so close.....but not yet prime! I have no installment loans which is why I was hoping the diversity would help the score...I'll keep everyone posted when it does finally show up!
That's great news! The APR for cobranded cards is stated on the application's terms & conditions section. Once they issue the card you have 30 days to ask New Account to review your credit line. Keep us posted Saar
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! Also, toasting to your success. (((((CHEERS!!))))) Thanks for all of your help and pointing me in the right direction, LKH.
<blush> Okay...I'm awake now...lol. Congratulation to you, too, LKH...way to go, man! Those initials get me every time. L
Down green monster, down!!!!! ;-) lol I am happy about your success, I just hope mine will be as good as yours soon!!!