On april 30th I closed on my refinance mortgage loan with Countrywide. Since then they have pulled 2 hard inquiries (5/2 and 5/10) on all 3 CRAs. Why are they doing this??
Probably a mistake... CALL AND ASK THEM... Tell them it is hurting your credit score!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!
what do your scores look like... i am thinking i need to refinance but kinda scared with my low scores.... tu 583 eq562 exp 552
Wouldn't it be a "DONE DEAL" even with low scores if you have 20% or more EQUITY??? How could they lose???
Yes a lender will refinance with 20% or more in equity. However, if there is not a major improvement in the interest rate, then it wouldn't be advantageous to uniondiva or anyone else. And no, a conventional lender will NOT automatically give you conventional rates just because you wish them to. fla-tan
If you can get 1-2% lower, or "CUT" the number of years...GO FOR IT... Many people are taking 20 or 15 year mortgages when they re-finance...and the payments still can be lower...