can you guys please read my post about wanting help by email? I am SC4173, TX MS. I have an Excel file with all the status lines neatly organized with the negatives from my 5/17 Experian report. I would try to attach it, but I don't want to be rude ????? I am really interested in knowing if there is any hope for these items counting less and how much it will raise my score when they fall off... Thanks TX MS
Thank you for including me as an "expert" in your inquiry, however, if you read my previous posts you will see I never comment on credit "scoring", that is because I know zilch on the subject.
Nobody can be a "TOTAL" expert...there are too many variables... How can somebody get a "BADDIE" deleted, and they LOSE points??? How can somebody pay off $30,000 in credit cards and LOSE points???
I wish I could help, but I ask the same questions. Thing is...none of us knows what effects the scores. I have noticed (as Christi once told me) that the biggest effect comes when the last one or two items come off. I think the last one I had from an OC came off and my score jumped in excess of 40 points. There doesn't seem to be rhyme nor reason to the way the scores are calculated. What helps one person hurts another and people who have derogs can have better scores than people who don't. Makes absolutely no sense to me at all. L can somebody like me with 24+ years of PERFECT credit history be DENIED time after time even so-called "PRE-APPROVED" by CAPITAL ONE???
I will say that it appears that items that were "included in bankruptcy" are listed with no status...which means they don't appear to be figured into the scoring. That being the case, they won't raise your score at all when they fall off, although the older the bankruptcy gets, the less overall effect it will have on your score. My husband has a bk from '98 and about seven "included in bk" accounts. They were all current when he filed for bk and he has never had any delinquencies before or since the bk, and his EQ score is something like 697!!! Who can explain that? seems that the "included in bk" accounts only hurt you when there is a manual review. I don't know if any of this is really accurate, but this does appear to be the case from what I have seen. L
sc, Thank you for requesting my help, however I have little to no experience with bankrupty and anything tied to it. I see LKH answered you in another thread, and my advice would be to follow what he says, I feel he knows much more than I do on this particular subject, and would be a greater asset for you. If you have any other questions (other thank bk) I am always glad to help.