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Collectech & SprintPCS Help!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by nlubrano, May 13, 2002.

  1. nlubrano

    nlubrano Member

    I need advice please!!!

    Back in November I ordered a phone on-line from Sprint. I got a notice in the mail that it was on backorder. I waited a week and called again... Still on backorder. I went to the local store and they had the phone there. They helped me cancel my online order and do a new order through there. Here's my problem. Apparently when you place an order they automatically generate a bill for the first month service charge. Well I guess they never cancelled out that bill for the first phone and have sent it to collections. I have talked with the people at sprint to resolve this about 20 times. Each time they tell me that it will be taken care of and it is obviously not taken care of because the collection agency is harrassing me at home and at work for this bill. They are threatning to put it on my credit report and I am in the process of trying to get a mortgage. What do I do??? I do not owe this bill. I try to tell Collectech the story and of course they don't want to hear it, they say I have to take care of it with sprint. Sprint just keeps giving me the run around.
    Any advice would be helpful.

  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Collectech is horrible at providing proof! Send them validation also put in the Wollman FTC letter. All they will send you is a printout of the TOS, and a copy of their computer records.
  3. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Email me, yours is turned off.

    I have contact info. for the Executive office at SprintPCS. Talking to the phone reps. will not help.
  4. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member

    Hey Beta,

    Do you still have the info for the Executive Offices at SprintPCS? I want to send them a settlement letter on an old Sprint PCS account. I am also about to dispute Collectech this month. Any advice (see my thread on Bell Atlantic)?

    Thanks in advance ...

  5. gracie

    gracie Well-Known Member

    Contact the executive office and see if they will help. Personally, I would go straight to BBB's website and file a complaint with them. That sure got another cellular companies attention with me, and the account was taken care of with a 5 minute converstion on the phone.
  6. scatterman

    scatterman Member

    I would be insterested in having the contact info for Sprint executive offices. Could you post or email them to me?

  7. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    I sued Collectech aka Allied Interstate last month for violations they commited in trying to collect on a $38.00 unvalidated Verizon charge.

    Results.....They sent ME a check for $750.00!!

    Sue them, get your results, deletion and cease collections of the account altoghther by doing this!

  8. scatterman

    scatterman Member


    I'm still looking for Sprint PCS executive address. Any help would be appreciated.

  9. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member

    Hey Scatterman,

    Here is the info I received (thanks to Betacredit):

    Sprint PCS
    Executive Services
    P.O. Box 8077
    London, KY 40712
    888-569-4927 - fax
    8-5 CST

    The person I dealt with was Pamela Glendenning she is an executive assistant or something. She didn't directly help me but she wrote me a letter that I used against the ca for a paid collection. It was removed with that letter and the nutcase series. Good Luck!!!

    I know someone from CN got deletion for payment through her.

    Hope this was helpful. I am sending Sprint PCS a settlement letter this week.

  10. scatterman

    scatterman Member

    Thank you so much!! I've sent a letter to 'Customer Relations' at this address but will send another letter to this contact.

  11. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    She will not recieve any mail sent to KY, she is a Executive account rep in Ft Worth. try the toll free #
  12. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    I hate to burst your bubble, but I have never gotten a response from Sprint on any letter or email I have sent them. They ignore them - always.

    They charged me $2.30 for a late fee when I had a receipt showing I paid on time. They didn't care - their "compiter" showed I was late. When I threatened to cancel, they gave me the number to call to cancel. Only when I said "cancel my service", did they offer to look at my receipt and correct the problem. By then I was too mad and cancelled.

    The point here is that they will not try to resolve the problem for you. You have to be aggressive. I would write the BBB, FCC, Attorney General, and anyone else who might help.

    In the couple years I had the service, they went from very good service to very bad service.
  13. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Definitely have to get ugly with Sprint. We had their service - they turned off our phones for nonpayment, although my check had cleared. Both DH and I relied on our cells for business, and they wouldn't even courtesy turn it back on while I ordered the check from the bank. As soon as I proved it was paid I cancelled our service. Told me hubby had a business account and there would be a $250.00 disconnect fee. I said send me a copy of the signed contract (never happened, friend at Sprint mailed him the phone).

    They sent me a final bill for all this. I got on the phone and was UGLY--they finally credited the account, and offered me two months free if I rejoined! Told them I would rather have a root canal with no anesthesia.

    Never heard from them again.
  14. HawgHanner

    HawgHanner Well-Known Member

    Everyone is making this much more difficult than it needs to be. I work in the industry and have a Sprint PCS phone myself. If you want results out of Sprint PCS the process is simple, but your initial phone call will require that you be put on a short hold (which is frustrating enough to get you lathered to speak to the customer service representative). Here's what you do:

    1.) Call customer service. They will say that you will need to be billed for having to call them, but in the end if you follow the process herein verbatim, you won't be charged for it.

    2.) Once the customer service representative comes on the phone, be very short with him/her and demand that you speak to the "customer retention" department IMMEDIATELY. Sprint PCS, like all of the wireless carriers, is experiencing a high turnover of customers and each customer who leaves them to go to another wireless company costs them lots of money. Do NOT speak to the plain-old-Jane customer service rep. Demand that you speak to the customer retention department.

    3.) Tell them that you'd like to have your phone turned off (even if you don't want it turned off). They'll ask why.

    4.) Tell them the problem you had with your first phone. Explain all of the hoops you had to go through and still nothing has been solved. Tell them your rates are too high and you read in The Wall Street Journal that Sprint PCS is offering lower rates and that you currently don't have the "best" Sprint PCS rates. And finally, add this: "And to top it all off, I'm going to have to pay for this stupid phone call...the cherry on my sundae."

    5.) They will offer to help you with the phone problem you have. Let them. Thank them. Be nice. But still sound pissed. Joke with them a little bit, but remind them you are wit's end. Then they'll ask you how many minutes you use and you'll actually walk away with a better rate, your problem will be fixed, they'll credit you some minutes and they'll waive the cost of the customer service call.

    6.) Ask for the full name and address and direct phone number of the person who helped you just in case. Ask for the name of their supervisor, and tell them, "just in case." Tell them you'll give them "one more chance, but this doesn't work, I'm outta here."

    7.) Thank them.

    8.) Hang-up the telephone.

    It's a shame people have to go through this sort of thing with customer service, but at least this process works.

    Good luck,

    Hawg Hanner
  15. scatterman

    scatterman Member

    I was very unhappy with their service when I had it - the customer service went down over time.

    But, I'm so desparate to have the collection removed from my EQ report that I'd reopen an account with them for $30 per month if they'd delete it. I'm not sure if they'd go for it but I might offer to pre-pay a year... if I become super desparate...


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