Please interpret this....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Erica, May 14, 2002.

  1. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Status: Account charged off/past due 180 days. $2184 written off in 7-1999. $1054 past due as of 7-1999

    Account History:
    Chargeoff as of 7/1999, 6/1999, 6/1998 to 6/1999, 4/1998, 3/1998, 2/1998
    180 days as of 1-1998
    150 days as of 12-1997
    120 days as of 11-1997
    90 days as of 10-1997
    60 days as of 9-1997
    30 days as of 8-1997

    This account is scheduled to continue on record until 8/2004.

    Creditors statement : "Purchased by another lender"

    So, when is the date of first seroiux delinquency?
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    8/97, the first time of delinquency. Thats how they got 8/04.....Erica I got one for

    Opened 4/98
    Closed 1/98
    Paid collection 1/98

    closed it before I got it!
  3. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member


    That's a good one. Did you ask them to explain it? I'd love to be a fly on the wall in that office.

    Ok, that information was from 2/2000. In yesterday's report, it's scheduled to come off a month earlier and it's listed as a collection as of 8/2001. WTF is that? AND they keep verifying it.
  4. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Here I got a question for you, How do you put on a collection on 3/01 as date reported when on your credit report in 4/01 its not listed?
  5. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Mine isn't as compliated as
    It WAS listed as a CO, but I begged Cap1 to change the status, when they did the dates got FUBAR'd. EVERYTIME I dispute it gets verified, it's like this on all 3 reports! Hmmm who do I
  6. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I say, everyone! all at once, like on Judge Judy or something.

    Hey, Kellie, do you have any suggestions on how to get them to delete it? I mean, if they are using the 1997 date as DLA, then the SOL has run out and they can't sue. I mean, they can sue, but I have a defense. Anyways, I have my correspondence with the CA, who owns the debt, and I have an inquiry on 4/10 from a law firm in NY associated with the account. Suggestions?
  7. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Is the CA reporting this? If not, if you can use your old NY address and tell the CRA they are SOL (pun intended lol) and have them delete cause you paid it to the CA.
  8. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    The CA is reporting it. It's too late to use my NY address, I had to change it to NC so I could get new CC's (long story). I didn't pay it, it's still an open collection, which is why the lawyer's office inquired. This may be a good thing, though, that my address changed. If they do intend to sue, the lawyers have to sue me here, and they have to be licensed in NC to practice law. It may cost them more money to hire another law firm to sue me here, than the debt is in total.
  9. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Is the SOL in NC and NY the same?

    I was in NC a year ago, its beautiful there, highways are kinda
  10. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    No, they are not the same. SOL in NC is shorter. SOL in NY is up this month. SOL in NC is up.

    It is pretty here, but the people are SLOW. LOL

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