FCNB Rewards Program..for $60 fee..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dogman, May 14, 2002.

  1. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Got an interesting offer - from a market perspective -from FCNB. Of course this a card that sits in the drawer with no balance.

    They sent me a mailer - due to my wonderful credit with them - and a check for $2.50 to activate this rewards program. I won't do it - but it had a couple of good points - but worth $60 annually...not in my opinion:

    Hot-LINE program offers:
    1. cash back / 2% on first $5000 charged to FCNB
    You only get the cash once a year - if you renew.

    2. MONEY BACK sale guarantee - not bad:
    "when you buy an item with FCNB, and the store puts it on sale in 60 days, you receive difference up to $250 per year."
    3. free copy of my credit report
    4.RETURN Guarantee - not bad - gives you 60 DAYS to return a purchase and receive full purchase price refund of up to $250 per item - as much as $1000 per year.

    I turned the offer over and the small print excludes many items - hmm.

    Nope - but a good old American try goes to FCNB
    for offering a reasonable legit cardholder upgrade offer.

    aarrrfff - dogman
  2. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I got the same offer in the mail today and it went in the trash right away. FCNB is desperate to make money. My FCNB Mastercard is in the sock drawer. I am waiting to find out who is buying FCNB. If Aspire buys them I will close the account asap. Aspire visa is known to charge over 30% a.p.r.
  3. John Galt

    John Galt Active Member

    Who would be the logical choice, if there is such a choice, of companies who would purchase FCNB?
  4. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I got this offer about 3 days ago, maybe Saturday. In the shredder it went! LOL. Reminded me too much of Discover.

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