City of Riverslime

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by blargoboy, May 16, 2002.

  1. blargoboy

    blargoboy Member

    My first post here and I wanted to say thanks to everyone that has posted in the past as I've been reading A LOT for the last few weeks and its all been a lot of help!

    In June 2000 I moved from the City of Riverside, CA to Redlands. I gave them my new address for any final, closing bills for public utilities. I never received anything from them since my last bill while I still lived in Riverside.

    Last November they sent me to collections for an outstanding balance of $111. While I technically owe the money, I never did receive anything from any collection agency or from the City of Riverside before it was reported.

    I have since sent several letters to the Collection Angeny wishing to settle as long as they remove the tradeline information from my CR's. However, the continue to send final demand for payments and such.

    Should I pay them? If so, should I send them a letter saying that if they do deposit the check they agree to remove the tradeline information? Should I send a check or a cashiers check? Is this a good ideas?

  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Send them a validation letter and CRRR. They may respond if they think you know your rights. Plus they may rack up some violations. Charlie
  3. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    Well at least you moved from Riverside! That's a step in the right direction ;-) LOL
  4. Maer

    Maer Well-Known Member

    Hey I grew up in Riverside (we used to call it RiverSLIDE, I like RiverSLIME though) and Mentone (almost neighbors). I'm in Temecula now. My goal is Redlands or Corona.
  5. shawnnar

    shawnnar Member

    I had a run in with good ol Rivercity. Same thing happened. I had to pay them because I was in the process of buying a house. They did settle with me and I paid the city direct...not the CA.

    I can't believe this many people are from Riverside. I'm in Murrieta now. YEAH!!!
  6. blargoboy

    blargoboy Member


    Did you contact the City instead of the CA (Money Control) and make arrangements with them, or did you just send the city money without any correspondence?

  7. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    MOney Control is a joke i sent them about 5 or 6 letters before My collection from Pac Bell mysterously disapeared...

  8. blargoboy

    blargoboy Member

    Did you send them cease and desist letters, settlemnet or what kind of letter?

    (Sorry, first time doing this, so I want to try and do it right!)

  9. shawnnar

    shawnnar Member

    Actually I didn't know anything about cease and desist letters at the time. This was 6 years ago. I just called the city and told them I would pay them in full and they dealt with the CA. It was off my credit report the next month.

    It might be more difficult now, but I doubt it knowing the City of Riverside.

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