OK, I dabbled briefly in a single dispute with each of the three CRA's in 1998. I had a couple things deleted, and a judgment updated. This time, with the help of this board (really outstanding by the way), coup d'etate, ok maybe not so sudden but much more thorough. I got my CR via qspace. I have half a dozen inquiries over the last 2 years, the last Feb 22, 2002 (unauthorized). The worst things I have are a Judgment awarded in July 1996. 3 Collections (All 1996), 3 Charge offs (also 1996), and 10 120 days late (student loan; 1 lender) that was supposed to be in forebearance, but I doubt I have the paperwork to prove it. The 120 days past due happened a year ago, and paid on time since. Obviously 1996 was a bad year, and everthing from it is tied to another address. I have read the board for several days now, and my questions are this: 1) With EFX I started a dispute regarding my address, but 3-4 weeks to clear, online dispute for TU, and after being on hold for an hour and a half EXP immediately deleted it off. Why does EFX & TU need a dispute, while EXP deleted immediately? 2) I have standard dispute letters already printed and stamped for the Judgement, CO's and collections for all three CRA's. I put them all into one letter, though I read afterward's I maybe shouldnt have. How detrimental is that? Considering that I also am not sending a copy of my credit reports (due to qspace access)? I should be able to send the EXP letter now correct because they already updated? Should I wait the month for the other 2 CRA's to update before I fire off their letters? 3) I hope I have a good shot at all of them being deleted because they all took place in 1996 6yrs ago. Is that a realistic view? Does it hurt me that I disputed the Judgement as paid in 1998 (EFX only)? I am allowed to ask for deletion even though it was previously disputed 4 years ago? 4) I havent touched the student loans yet, except to ask for a consolidation. I thought they were in forbearance, but caught up on my own inside the time I stated in the forebearance request. I have been paying them as agreed for 12/13 cycles now. Would a 'retroactive forbearance' be possible? Can I ask pretty please? 10 120 days late looks horrible I guess that is it for now, sorry for the length, for those that made it to here I just wanted to usher myself into the board, and share my misery. Misery loves company always and forever! Plus I need a little validation on my course of action so I will be happy with any responses .... Catch you on the flip side ..... SJC
Basically you can look at this way, regarding disputing. Do it? what could hurt? As for asking to have leniency on you regarding the 10 late pays, I would ask in good will that since you are not able to pay on time and have proven it for the past year, could you please make them look better?
Re: A little more help please I don't why they need dispute letters to change your address, but they do.. disputing the old address will make it easier to get you other negs deleted I think that you are fine sending more than one dispute in a letter. Everyone here has there own opinion and some people say limit it to three, but you will see that many folks here have had succcess with multiple disputes with one letter. You should not include a copy of your credit report with your disputes you should dispute the judgment and request deletion because public records really hurt your score. whether you disputed four years ago really doesn't matter now. if you have paid you sl on time for twelve months, they should be rehabbed.. search the board for posts on rehabilitated student loans.