My EQ Score just went to 616. Should I apply for Target? Is this high enuff for anything??? It went up because I disputed everything on my CR at the same time. JO
yah no doubt target guest card would be a good shot. apply for the visa, and guest card as a fallback, you never know. I strongly suggest disputing anything you can to get your score higher b4 applying
What else is a good bet besides Target? And should I apply for the target VISA AND the Guest card? Or just the Visa or just the Guest card??? Should I go into a store to apply or do it online? Any help and information is greatly appreciated.
NOTHING! You're just below the cusp for acceptable credit (620), and only because of pending disputes. Unless you really need it, wait a few months till your score improves, so you can take your pick of CCs.
I agree with Rina. I actually waited until my scores hit 650 before I started applying for anything. If you are going to apply though, I agree with the others. You should apply for the Target visa. If denied, they will automatically consider you for the guest card. Apply online.
LKH: I don't mean to pry but I'm curious as to what kinds of cards you were approved for after hitting 650. I'm about a month or two away from being there.
No problem. I got online approval for the Citibank aa gold and silver cards. I then combined them and switched it to the platinum select. I also got the Target visa, Household gold, and I just got my Amex. The Amex came with a score of 686, but from what I can gather, you need a 650 score and 2 cards with at least 2 years history.
I am truly debating what I want to do. I DO NOT NEED credit cards. I am pursuing them to but some gas or whatever throught out the month and pay it back immediately. In fact, if I use them for a larger purchase, I send a check as soon as I get home for the exact amount I just used. Usually when my balance reaches 50 dollars according to MS Money, I send a check. I have a First Premier Secured with a limit of 325 and a Capital One Secured with a limit of 500 dollars. (99 dollar deposit) I have perfect history so far with both of these cards. I have also gotten about 12 items removed of off my CR's on each report. I guess I got lucky. I am basically looking at the target card not to help me NOW, but to help me in two or three years when the only thing that will stand in my way will be good credit history. By the way, I sued Allied Interstate and won, tnx in some part to you guys. It was easy, they didn;t even show up!!!!
FYI guys. My scores are all 745 and better. Discover denied me becuase of a charge off back in 1998 MNBA also denied me because of the charge off even with mt scores . However AAA card gave me o% interest free for cash and prchaese as well as transfer balalnces. So it looks like for the prime cards it really depends, it will be interesting to see what could be done with the charge off removed. Will the skies be the limit? I am working on it right now.
I agree w/ the wait until you've reached 650 idea. In the meanwhile, I would apply for the Target Visa and be sure to indicate that you want to be considered for the Guest Card if you don't qualify for the Visa.
Go-To rate is the APR that card will be at for the life of the account (unless you default, or unless they decide to lower it) IE, some cards have Intro of 0% with a go-to of 9.9%
I HAVE QUANTUM @ is USELESS... I PAY NOTHING ABOVE 9.99%...and soon, all those will be paid off too...