talking about money... Credit more like it... I guess I should just shut up around her about it, but now Im in the doghouse!!!! She thinks I am crazy because I run around the house complaining about double-cycle billing, or FICO!!!! What can I do??
Explain all about what they are... Explain how your knowlege about them will help you save BIG BUCKS$$$$
She listens a bit, then she says.... "there are more important things other then money!" This is true... but it is also simplified!! I need money, and I need good credit... to survive!!!! I tell her how I get mad at these companies for ripping me off, taking advantage of me... lying!! She just thinks I am mad in general... haha
Ha Ha!! I've had similar problems with close friends.. So I started to keep quiet....months later, I they pull me aside and ask " so did the letteres you sent help?" I just grin and walk away!
Hey Radiohead, I have a friend at work who has tried to explain to me tha women were wired differently than guys (he is an avionics technician). I try to not subscribe to his theorem. your girlfriend kind of sounds like my wife. I get accused of being obssessed with this credit thing. she is right. However, your girlfriend probably doesn't realize what is at stake. I find that the more I learn the eaier it is to let things get to me. Sometimes I wish I didn't know some of the things I know. Ignorance is bliss!!
Re: My girlfriend is mad because I Well, you can stop running around the house complaining about double-cycle billing and FICO. (Thanks for the referral, mindcrime, lol.) Seriously, I found myself in the same situation -- talking to my wife about credit, scores, repair, nutcase, Bkev vs. bbauer, Marie, Lizardking, breeze, etc., etc., etc. Basically I jabbered on and on until she couldn't stand it anymore, and then I got quite an earful, lol. Basically I learned to just shut up about all of this. When I filed my small claims lawsuits, I was pretty anxious at points, and my wife was really good about letting me vent some. But even then, for her sake, I remained cognizant of just how much time I was devoting to the topic. You simply must give your girlfriend a lot of space and conversation that has nothing to do with credit. From one Creditnet addict to another, I realize that drawing these boundaries is easier said than done. Regardless, you can do it! Good luck. Doc
Don't feel bad Radiohead. My girlfriend thinks I am weird because I read the credit net post. I just tell her it is like a hobby for me. Reading the post and posting helps me rebuild my credit and I learn alot. She understands now but she teases me once in a while. I tell her to leave me alone. She does ask me for advice about credit and is surprised I know so much.
I talk about credit nonstop too... but my hubby doesn't seem to mind. In fact, I told him I applied to Fleet the other day and he said 'your score's gonna take a hit from the inquiry!". Caught me off guard! But he's enjoying the fruits of my efforts - and he was even counseling a kid (18-19) who works for him on how to get credit at his age and the importance of timely payments, etc. So what I've been rambling about for the past 6 or 7 months sunk in and he's a wealth of credit info himself! =-) But on the other hand, I can tell you the difference between a '71 and '72 Chevelle, all the different Harley motors and the years they came out and how many years they were in production and how many Farmall Cub tractors were manufactured in 1949. <g> He rambles, I listen. I ramble, he listens.... and we both learn. =-) Ozzy.
It is not a difference between men and women - it is simply a matter of conflicting interests. I tried for the longest time to get my husband interested in credit repair, etc... he finally blew-up and, like your girlfriend, accused me of being obsessed about money. He HATES to deal with money-- feels like that is my chore (and since he can't manage to balance a check book that is fine with me). I don't talk to him about it anymore unless I have something positive to say - no complaining to him about this or that CRA or CA or getting screwed over by this or that CCC. I reserve all of that for creditnet-- this is the best outlet you can have!
gosh after reading all these posts, i sure am glad my husband and i are in this together this whole credit repair is a mission for both of us - never knew we could do this stuff and buy us a home with a bk on his record whew - we do talk about it morning, noon and night tho, but we only started in feb with the whole process and i have only been on these boards for about two weeks he comes home from work and the first thing he says now is: what did you learn today? hehe - this is actually fun! peace, jimrie
My husband jokes constantly that I'm addicted to this credit repair, but he has seen the results of just a couple months, he's impressed!
My DH once accused me of having an on-line romance with LizardKing because I told him in depth how he sued the CRA's and about his honeymoon suit and won! How could I possible know all this personal information about LK if I'm not "foolin' around" with him? Sorry LK I just laughed. My DH has excellent credit so he has no clue how it even feels to be in our shoes. But about a month ago he did the walk of shame. He got decline for an auto refinance with E-Loan. I finally got him to pull his reports. His issue was fair easy, his original loan was with GMAC but he refinanced with PeopleFirst about 6 month into the loan. PeopleFirst does not report to any CRAs so when he tried to refinance with E-Loan all they saw was the closed, paid GMAC. So of course they declined him. We found some issues with his First USA ~ Wachovia cards. He asked me if he could have some of my "lil green cards" and asked if I would help him straight them out. So now he doesn't lose his interest in my credit issues anymore and even asks for daily updates.
I totally understand! Since May 14 last year I've been on a mission! Keep working on her, there's hope. I told my 20 year old brother he'll be almost my age when his credit starts looking decent unless he cleans up act now! Is that how long he'd like to wait to be able to buy the car he wants, the house he wants or even the job he wants? One sister couldn't verify her ID online ago bc she & Mom have the same first & last names so she has to do it by mail. My other sister just called me @ work to find out how to check her report online! Good thing I was sitting down. After pestering my husband for months to check his credit for the first time, he had the nerve to laugh @ me: his FICO is 759.