Well, 15 minutes before their deadline, EQ responded to my 'Intent to Sue'. The girl on the phone worked in the legal dept. She said she had just spoken with one of their lawyers and that they were deleting the account immediately. So I asked her why it took a threat of a legal action for them to do what they should have done 6 months ago. She stuttered and started talking about how account numbers get crossed and mixed up, blah, blah, blah. I stopped her right there. I said, "It's been 6 months. I will not take your word for it. I want it in writing. Fax everything that you have just said in writing. ..... Well, the fax just came across. They are deleting immediately they said and sending an updated credit report in the mail. No mention of the monetary settlement whatsoever. Hmm. I should be happy, but I'm not. I'm PO'd that I had to fight with them for this long and threaten to sue for them to abide by their lawful duties. Did it really need to come this far?? For crying out loud, our time is valuable. We have careers, we have families that need our attention, yet we have to waste our time needlessly because of the arrogance of these CRAs.
I understand your frustration.. but crongratulations on the deletions!!! What type of isssues were you having with them?
Radiohead, see my post from yesterday called "Sent Intent to Sue to EQ" It's kind of long. Explains things in a nutshell.
Wow! I'm impressed! Maybe I should re-evaluate my stand on intent to sue letters...lol. But then again...I can't even get them to file an answer when I *do* sue! LOL...congrats on the deletion L
i hate it that you had to suffer so much, but i am sure happy for you for the outcome!!!! it gives us all a reason to keep on truckin! peace, jimrie
Dear Anesthesia, Fascinating case you've described. As is obvious from your case the CRA did nothing to actually comply with the law and re-investigate as required. This is nothing new. But it also means you have a very serious case for damages. That's why they are running so fast. Go ahead and file your lawsuit. And then start a series of interrogatories designed to examine EXACTLY what was done to re-investigate your dispute. They better not lie on interrogatories. Here's what you will discover. They simply took your written request's and posted "verified" on your report WITHOUT LOOKING INTO IT". After all if EQ did actually verify the OC would have told them to remove the item and they would have done so immediately. That leaves the obvious. EQ never contacted to OC to verify. Good luck,
Well, I wanted to settle this quickly so I can refinance my mortgage, but since EQ obviously has not met the requirements of my out of court settlement, we haven't truly settled. I asked them to send a written agreement that these items would be cloaked. I got nothing. They also did not want to talk about the monetary settlement I gave them. Am I correct in my assumption that they are probably thinking that since they deleted the erroneous account now, that a judge would throw my case out of court and ask why I am pursuing this if they deleted afterall?? I have to say, the trouble and the time out of my workdays has been quite lengthy. Longer than any consumer should have to fight to have something incorrect removed. Is there anyone else out there that would move forward with the lawsuit in spite of the deletion? Just curious. I am going to give their fax to a lawyer along with my file and see what they recommend.