Recently disputed a Providian acct. w/ all 3 CRA's. The results: EX - Verified TU - ??(who knows) AND EQ - CHANGED RATING FROM R9 TO R1!!!! I have know idea how EQ got that info. I disputed all 3 as "Not Mine". Go figure?! BUT, what do I do with EX & TU? Do I wait and dispute again? Do I dare send validation to Providian(actually I sent validation to them on 4/15)? Any thoughts/suggestions???
With TU, I would dispute the balance or dates. They will delete the entire TL if there is an inaccuracy. EX just try and dispute again disputing something else like a balance. Charlie
TU will not dispute an entire tradeline just because there is an inaccuracy. They will delete the tradeline if the creditor fails to respond to the dispute.