I'm fairly sure, but won't guarantee it. Do a search here for Target Visa, There is a lot of threads relating to it. Also, check here http://www.millcbs.com/search.asp Out of 27 listed, 22 were equifax.
OK...I applied for the Target VISA and received a Target Guest Card: $200 limit...Is this good or bad?
From what I've read, that's a pretty typical initial limit for the guest card. You may be able to get Target to raise your limit before you activate the card. All in all, congrats on getting the card!
Thanks for the positive note. I am up 90 points since the start of my credit adventure in Mid-April and on my way to building my future....
I just went back to look on CW. Actually, it was a 69 point increase. Was 570...now 639. Not bad though, I guess. Any other thoughts on a good card I will get approved for to improve my credit?
I would wait until you are above 650 to start applying if I were you. I made the mistake of starting to apply for prime cards when I hit the 630-640 range and ended up with nothing but a bunch of inquiries. I really think prime anything only likes above 650-660. It won't be long before its higher and IMHO, would be worth the wait. I won't apply for anything else until I'm in the 675 or so range. I don't need any credit, and didn't even though I was applying all over the place. The inquiries hurt and not only that, having new cards reporting hurt my score as well and of course you have to use them at least a little just to get them reporting and active, but that lowers your score even more because having more than 4 or 5 accounts with balances hurts as well when you are in that score range. Anyway...just my thoughts on it. L
You could probably get a Citi AA card with that score. The BDD may no longer function, however, I believe you can still convert to the platinum select once you're approved. Maybe someone else on the board can recommend some others.
Is there a way to apply for a certain type and if I don't qualify for that one, Citi will give me what I will qualify for?
With CITIBANK I was just DENIED...not given a different card... ...BUT I was on their BLACKLIST...since closing a "GOOD" account is (IN THEIR EYES) the same as NOT PAYING (collections)!!!
BEEN THERE DONE THAT... But here goes again... I was DENIED 10+ times for CITIBANK... "PRE-APPROVED" on-line...DENIED "PRE-APPROVED" by phone...DENIED "PRE-APPROVED" by mail...DENIED Just called to apply...DENIED... Just mailed an application...DENIED... I COULDN'T GET IN THE FRONT DOOR~~~SO MY "BACK DOOR DOUBLE"... I applied for AASILVER instant approval $5,000 AAGOLD 10 minutes later applied for AAGOLD instant approval $5,000 When the cards came in the mail...COMBINED AND TRADED FOR PLATINUM SELECT (that was DENIED so many times)... ****PLATINUM SELECT $10,000**** THE MOST IMPORTANT THING WAS THAT IT ONLY "HIT" ME FOR ONE INQUIRY!!!