would you guys recommend? I would like to sue a CRA and have a strong paper trail including letters from CA requesting removal of the tradelines as well. I also have validation letters, multiple disputes with the CRA online and snail mail. Can you guys recommend anyone to retain? Thanks..
Try Larry Smith at the law firm of Kohler and Moss. Here is a link to their website: www.creditreportproblems.com His email address is lsmith@consumerlawcenter.net I am currently working him on a Arrow Financial Services suit. He works on contingency in most cases, provided you have a good case against a creditor, CA, or credit bureau.
Ender, Christi supposedly had a top notch lawyer out of Dallas. You may want to look at one of her later threads. Charlie
Try this. I don'tknow what part of the country you are in, but it is a start. Good luck. http://www.naca.net/db.php3?submit=...ise=any&areaofexpertise=Fair_Credit_Reporting Charlie
Thanks everyone - I just sent out a few emails.. hopefully I'll get some responses so I can retain someone.
Hi Ender, I'm finally trying to locate an attorney also. There were some good sites suggested (thanks to the posters). Did you get any responses yet? Elana