Questions question...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sbdmom, May 20, 2002.

  1. sbdmom

    sbdmom Well-Known Member

    I have an collection account on all three reports. The sol has not passed.I requested validation from the CA and they immediately notified the all three CRA's the debt was in dispute but never validated it to me. I just recieved an updated tu report and I notice that the acct now reads verified as of 3/02. and the notation of comsumer disputes is gone.... The debt probably is mine but I'm not sure what it is and would like to know before I hand over any money to clear this up..

    What would be the next course of action ? Dispute it myself with the CRA and if it comes back verified as for how they verified it ? Another nasty letter to the collection agency demanding validation ?
    Any input would be appriciated...
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Jamie, others here can give you better advise with your question so I'll leave that for them.

    However...I have a question. You said that TransUnion had updated your account to read in dispute???? Are you sure about this? Did you actually see that they had notated the account as in dispute? Their software has not had the ability to do that so far, and I've yet to hear anyone say that they had that notation on their credit report so if yours did say that, it looks like they may have upgraded their software recently. This has been one of TU's repetitive violations of the FCRA.

    With TransUnion, its always very difficult to tell when an investigation is over.

  3. sbdmom

    sbdmom Well-Known Member

    I did an online dispute for a very old acct. which they deleated (small victory) and TU sent me the updated actual TU report. Notwithstanding the 4 chargeoffs in my file , the three collection I have left,I have validated this year and they all show "acct info disputed by consumer" (except for the one that now that says verified).
    The same account that are also listed on ex,and eq also all show "acct disputed by consumer"
    Its driving me crazy I don't really even know what that where to go from here !!!
    Without validation from these creditor I guess I just need to keep whining till they do something like DELEATE !! or provide proper validation so I can make them an offer .

  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    One more you go through TransUnion in Chester, PA or do you have a local CSC office you go through?

  5. quigs

    quigs Well-Known Member


    I have two accounts on TU that say "Customer Disputes 2X). These have been on for around 4 months. Do you think that these are from the OC or from when I disputed with the CRA. Im using this against the OC.
  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I have no idea. You guys are the first I've ever seen to have the diputed notation on a TU consumer report. I've NEVER had any of my accounts marked in dispute with TU.

  7. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Whenever I have placed an account in dispute, TU did not note the account as such, however when a CA I sent a validation request to notified the bureaus, my TU report said:

    Account status: Account disputed
  8. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    I agree! I have never had any notation of any dispute on my TU report. I have about 9 disputes with them now and there isn't any notation listed about them. WEIRD!!!

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