I just received a pre-approval for a CapOne Plat MC. I didn't think I had the scores for this. Is a CapOne pre-approval legit or am I wasting an inquiry? ~Toothman
Hey Mindcrime.... It states: Toothman, as a valued Capital One customer (which I'm not), you are pre-approved for a Platinum MasterCard. It goes on to say: Congratulations. You have already been pre-approved for this Capitol One Platinum Mastercard..... Good to see ya, btw
Toothman, So you're not a cardholder, yet they sent you an offer that said you were? Geez I wonder if that's a sign of how solid that offer really is. Not sure what to tell you. Pre-approval isn't what it seems to be. Unless you have high scores, you probably won't get the plat. card, but more than likely you'll get bumped to the gold or classic offer, rather than just being straight out denied. I received an offer for a guaranteed offer for plat. MC. First one they say they never got. Second one I sent last week. Thinking I'll get the lowest starting line of $500. We'll see what happens. Good to hear from you too. Hope all is well.
Actually, George, it isn't an approval to apply. There is no application at all. Just sign the card and send in. They state no application, no deposit, etc. Mindcrime, I don't mind if they bump me down. I need the positive trade line. ~Toothman
Duly noted, George....thank you for your help! I seriously doubt I will get the $2,500 stated, but I will be happy with a lesser amount. I have the inquiry to give, so I will give it a shot and let you know how things go. ~Toothman
Toothman, I closed my Cap One last year and decided it was gone for good. Guess what, They offer me their Plat card up to $7500 @ 9.9% with no annual fees... I talk with Eugene Cooke about their offer before I sent the Pre-Approved to Cap One. I said, if its a half toy card?... Please don't ever sent any offer to me from Cap One. Well, I was reinstated for $5,000 @ 9.9% with no fees. I think its better to talk to someone at Cap One before applying.... Best Regards, Herman
Re: CapOne Plat Pre-Approval~For Re Funny toothman I got one of these in the mail yesterday too...it's the second cc solicitation I received in one week! I have never received this stuff in the past. Mine was guaranteed approval "UP TO" $7,500 or something. Like George said, I'm sure I would get $500 or something. I don't really need it right now; I've already got two Cap1 cards, 1 orchard bank and now this credit union CC. My next step is a retail/gas card to help my mix a bit. Once everything starts reporting, I will have 5 open/positive trades on my report. How many do you guys suggest I have? I really don't care to have 3 Cap1 accts though.
Re: CapOne Plat Pre-Approval~For Re Yeah, I sent back pre-approved offer last week -also up to 7500/ 0% 6 months.... wasn't sure I wanted another sub-prime card, but hey I guess its better than waiting another year for prime. However, its been a week and no inquiries yet- what does this mean?
Re: CapOne Plat Pre-Approval~For Re My Cap One Plat app said Pre-Selected... Guess that means a juicy $500? or a Nope you be loser give us $500 and we might approve you for $500?
Re: CapOne Plat Pre-Approval~For Re 0% for 6 months is the best part since crap 1 doesn't charge for BT fee's. A nice $5000 for 6 months @ 0% can easily become a $250 value (my math sucks, dont tell me about it). I'll take a $250 value any day of the week.
Mindcrime, is there a difference between the pre-approval and the guaranteed approval? I just got a guaranteed approval from them today for up to $7500 (yeah, right). I don't want to pay the $59 annual fee or deal with their not reporting limits so I threw it out. Just curious if it meant I would get the card FOR SURE, lol.