Credit score vs Mortgage Score

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cfand3boyz, May 20, 2002.

  1. cfand3boyz

    cfand3boyz Well-Known Member

    Hi! I have another question for those of you that have obtained mortgages. Was your Experian and Trans Union mortgage score higher or lower than the TU/EX consumer score?? We are applying for a mortage in about 10 days and I'm just trying to get an idea what our mortgage scores will look like...Thank in advance!
  2. ohajih

    ohajih Member

    All three of my scores were lower. My TU was about 20 points lower (~710 to 690). Equifax was MUCH lower. I think I lost about 40 points with them. Experian was lower, but not by much. My mortage company took the median score.
    I was a little shocked at the results. My middle score would have been my TU which would have allowed me to only put 3% down. Because I came in under 700, I had to put 5% down.

    I hope this helps...
  3. SweetnSas

    SweetnSas Well-Known Member

    I applied in April. My TU score was MUCH MUCH higher...really, like 150 points.

    My Equifax was exactly the same. (I'd pulled it the day before)

    My Experian was much much lower. Like, 90 points.
  4. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    My mortgage vs. internet scores:

    711 Fair Isaac (Experian) vs 707 Credit Expert
    672 Empirca vs 601 on TU website vs 668 eloan
    668 Beacon vs 668 on and 682 on Privista
  5. erik776

    erik776 Well-Known Member

    You said the scores on the left are your mortgage scores. How do you know this? Did your mortgage lender say that these were mortgage credit scores. They look like FICO scores to me.
  6. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    I asked the lender what my scores were and he gave me those scores. That's all I know.

    I believe somone posted higher up in this thread that his Beacon score matched exactly as well.
  7. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Online scores for me:
    EQ 698
    EX 596
    TU 616

    What the broker pulled:
    EQ 698
    EX 682
    TU 672

    Scores now:


  8. erik776

    erik776 Well-Known Member

    I was just trying to point out that, from what I understand that, the basic credit score that everyone is aware of is called a FICO score. When you apply for a mortgage, the mortgage company may purchase a product that I thought was called a bankruptcy score. This type of score (bankruptcy score) might also be called a mortgage score. I was under the impression that this was the type of score that included information that is not included in a FICO score like debt ratios, income, how long you have lived at your current address, and time on job.

    If a broker gave you a score from Equifax that was exactly equal to the score you got from, then this score is an FICO score.

    Good luck with house hunting.
  9. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    I too was under the impression the scores would be different than generic FICO scores. Looks like that wasn't the case -- at least in my experience.

    I can see where a broker might pull standard FICO scores, but this was directly with the builder's lending arm.
  10. SweetnSas

    SweetnSas Well-Known Member

    I, too, asked the lender for my scores and she freely gave them to me.

    I believe that with TU, there probably was some "mortgage" score that they provided that may or may not be close to the score they're providing us.

    However, my Equifax score (Beacon) was exactly the same as what I pulled the day before from
  11. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    My EQU was exactly the same, my TU was MUCH higher (and I had a CA on there at the time), and my EXP was about 50 points higher.

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