When an item is in dispute...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by girliegirl, May 21, 2002.

  1. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    Ok... I have read several different things - and I know that each of the CRA's is different. But does anybody know for sure - when an item is in dispute, how does it show when your credit report is pulled?

    I know that it doesn't show anything on TU - not under investigation or anything. But what about Experian? On CreditExpert, it shows that the item is being investigated - but does it show up that way when someone pulls your credit report - or maybe it doesn't show up at all? How about Equifax?

    I know that several people have said that they applied for credit while disputing and have been successful - and others say that they have done it and not gotten anything.

    I don't plan on applying for anything until I get my reports cleaned up, but I'm just curious about this. Does anybody know? Thanks. :)
  2. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    TU - you are exactly right. Their system does NOT show items as being in dispute. Although according to the FCRA it is supposed to.

    EX - I believe it does show up as in dispute to a potential creditor. And these disputed accounts are factored into your score. (someone may have to correct me on this one, but I think this is correct)

    EQ - They seem to be the only CRA that does this correctly. Items do show up as in dispute AND these items are NOT factored into your score when it is viewed by a potential creditor.

    hopefully this helps...
  3. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Javan. That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure. I think you are right about Experian because my score never changes when I dispute - only after (if the item is deleted - and sometimes not even then!) So on Equifax, if a credit pulls your actual report - not just the score - do they "see" the items that are being disputed, or are those hidden until the dispute is over?
  4. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure, but I think these items are "hidden". But I just don't know.
  5. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    The items are not hidden, they ae just marked in dispute but the are clearly visible.
  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    A couple of members are now reporting that TU does show items in dispute. Can't remember which thread it was in, but two different people said it.

  7. quigs

    quigs Well-Known Member

    My TU is reporting consumer disputes 2X on it. Doesn't say currently in dispute when I dispute though.
  8. lbowman

    lbowman Well-Known Member

    MY TU report doesn't show in dispute....not even when I pull it myself...scumbags.

  9. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member

    Section 623 of the FCRA states that an item must be reported as in dispute on the credit report...doesnt specify whether it is to be viewed or not. I wonder if TU is finally getting wise to this.
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    keltexx | 453 posts since May 2001 Section 623 of the FCRA states that an item must be reported as in dispute on the credit report...doesnt specify whether it is to be viewed or not. I wonder if TU is finally getting wise to this.
    ====================================This is one of the got yous of the credit reporting industry. There are no restrictions on how the info can be interpited,used or revealed.
    They have loop holes in the loopholes.
  11. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    I am currently disputing five items on TU and NONE of them are showing "in dispute" when I pull my report. I would like to know, though. Anyone?
  12. Future1966

    Future1966 Well-Known Member

    ***Unless*** you are being serviced through an affiliate, such as CSC (like I am).

    They'll take your disputes at CSC, but they don't mark them as "in dispute" through the online EQ site. When an item is updated, though, they do update the EQ site. But you have to get a new EQ report to see it. (At least I have...YMMV)
  13. mattg554

    mattg554 Well-Known Member

    I had to call CSC to dispute an item on my Equifax report, and when I view my report online, it just says "Note: CONSUMER DISPUTES-REINVESTIGATION IN PROCESS" next to the item. It seems to be reporting to creditors though, and I'm wondering if they even see that note.
  14. uhackthis

    uhackthis Well-Known Member

    Re: When an item is in dispute..EFX

    Well, well, well...With EFX: when I first disputed 3 entries last month (all of which were deleted, by the way), my score took a jump right after the dispute. Now, I just disputed a bunch more...and NO score change yet...What gives?
  15. Future1966

    Future1966 Well-Known Member

    Wow, matt... I didn't get that notation on my EQ at all. I wonder if you saw that notation because it was a phone dispute? I faxed and e-mailed mine to CSC. No notations on EQ. That's why I e-mailed them once a day for 7 days asking if they had received my faxed and e-mailed disputes? (They deleted shortly thereafter.) :)

    Shoot! That was probably a violation, hm? I knew I should have screenprinted the page... Oh well...
  16. mattg554

    mattg554 Well-Known Member

    That's interesting. I have another item I want to dispute on my EQ report, so I'll have to test out the fax and email method and see what happens. What email address did you send the disputes to?
  17. Future1966

    Future1966 Well-Known Member

    Sorry, Matt... I was gone all weekend for Memorial Day.

    The e-mail address I sent it to was dwhite38@csc.com. There may be others??

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