How to deal with IC Systems

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Fuba, May 20, 2002.

  1. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    I paid a medical bill to the original office using an A&S letter. Anyone have a letter I can now send to IC Systems? They listed the item on my credit report.
  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Have you already tried to dispute this account through the CRA's as not mine and/or paid before collection?
  3. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    I hate IC. Here is what worked for me. I sent them a validation letter on a paid collection. It was not my account to begin with and I sure never paid it. They never responded to the validation. EXP dropped the item from my report 30 days after IC received my validation letter, so I assumed IC told them to.

    EQ was harder. I eventually tracked down the original creditor who wrote a letter to EQ saying that I never dealt with them and that IC was wrong. It took six months more and the threat of a lawsuit, but they finally removed it from my report

    I think persistence was the key.

    TU deleted it when I disputed it with them, before I even wrote IC.
  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I had 2 items deleted from IC Systems, but had to send a nasty worded estoppel to them and they sent me "apology letters" that I faxed to the CRA's. Charlie
  5. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    I paid the Dr. with an A&S letter, in full. Now I got to get IC Systems to remove it. What kind of letter should I send?

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