READ THIS ALL: You apply for this great Reader's Digest Mastercard - and when you do the application - you find out it is issued by FIRST USA. GET THIS: It says the approval will qualify you for PLATINUM at 2.9% - or if not that card, a standard card - OR IF NOT A STANDARD CARD - A SECURED CARD - with a $100 minimum deposit with not First USA - but Bank One! Geez - reminds me of NEXTCARD - which I still have oddly enough... nope - I did not apply - Dogman
A 2.9% fixed APR for the first 6 billing cycles following the opening of your account. After that, 9.74% variable.†<-----------***** &dagger ON ALL THEIR CARDS...I THINK A "HACKER" MIGHT HAVE PUT IT THERE OR SOMEBODY ON THE INSIDE HAS AN IMAGINATION!?!?!!?!? One of the FEW good things about FIRST USA is H/H INCOME on the application...
"Nobody will ever know its a secured card..." "Nobody knew the READERS Digest Card existed..LOL!" The prestige - turn the card over for "Life in the United States." aarrff - dogman
You would think so... but some companies have farily strict requirements on secured cards... like BofA.
Oh I know. I was just kidding. See my thread about Equifax and how I can think of several choice four-letter words to define how I feel about them at this moment. I'm just trying to keep myself from going bonkers over their lying ways.
Good answer mindcrime - LOL! ALSO, Radiohead - you are correct - you cannot get a CHASE with a past BK. I bet your chances would be good if you had no past poor record with First USA - just a guess but what the heck? I'd say go for it - and report back when you get the card.... Washington Mutual used to deal with Associates when you got a WAMU card. Associates did not like issuing to people with any past BK. However, I see now that Citi took over the Associates, and now issues the Washington Mutual Visa guaranteed - even with a past BK. You could read about secured cards by getting a secured card report at They have all the qualifications for all cards that are secured - its a great report and you might have to pay $5.00 - but I think its free. Later - let us know what you decided. scratching my paws to memorial day - dogman
I am not sure if I will apply, but I was thinking about getting secured cards with various banks.. keep cleaning my reports.. and when they do review after one year or whatever.. that I have a good shot at getting unsecured and better terms.. I don't know, maybe its the wrong way to go.
That's a great way to go. That is what I did while I was cleaning my reports. My plan was to try and add positive stuff while removing negative stuff. I applied for several secured cards but only ended up with the WAMU secured and the AMEX secured Optima. Chase turned me down and I wasn't interested in having shady cards in my wallet like FCNB, etc.