After hearing nothing from a collection agency since january, when my original validation letter was sent...I just sent an estoppel giving them the 15 days...I have since changed jobs...they just called my at my new job, how they got the # no idea, telling me over the phone they contacted the original creditor, the dentist and then began to list what it was for? UNBELIEVABLE...what NOW? I said I'd call back..didn't want anyone hear to know what was going on...
please give me a suggestion ASAP..I'm so sick of's all I've got left...I'm almost considering paying for deletion...even though I was over charged..I don't want them to call my work was from 2 years ago....
Have they provided you with written validation? The over the phone crap doesn't fly. Also, send them a nice little Cease & Desist letter, that'll stop the calls.
Here's a suggestion. You shouldn't stay on the phone long enough with them to find out what they want to tell you. Instead, when they call, you should simply say, "Sorry, on counsel's advice, I am communicating with you only by letter. Thank you." And then hang up. If you feel you need to send them a partial cease and desist (declining phone calls, although not written communication) in order to more easily draw that boundary, then by all means do it. As for what to do next, you can ignore and forget whatever they told you over the phone. It sounds as if they have so far declined to respond to your written requests for validation. It may be time to move toward an intent to sue stance, but I'll defer that portion of the advice to someone with more experience here. Doc
Ack, isn't redundancy nice, lol? While I was typing my response, I took a phone call, then finished, and -- voila -- javan had already given a similar response but more to the point. Doc
I sent the 15 day estoppel letter...they received it on 5/7...which means their time's up if I ignor the's past the time frame and I can sent that to the CRA's for removal....they never replied in january either, isn't that a violation...the call just stunned me, I'm not thinking....
No more phone calls. Just proceed as if they have not responded with validation. I think I might agree with Doc, maybe an intent to file a complaint (with BBB, FTC, AG) might be nice, before you tell them you are gonna sue. But I think the C&D should be in their hands today. DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a lawyer and don't know a darn thing about suing anyone. Just my opinion.
Fax is the only way to go. Save yourself the $4.10. Fax confirmation is considered proof of delivery.
Ok, I'm going to fax the C&D within the hour, write an intent to sue tonight and send it CRR that good? BTW THANK YOU!!
Great on the C&D! Maybe wait a couple of days on intent to sue to settle down and clear your mind. You want to clear on the violations they've commited. Just a suggestion. Maybe you can begin the rough draft tonight, post it on the board tonight or tomorrow to get some feedback.
Great suggestion, and exactly what I'll do...I think I'll actually wait and send the intent letter after the holiday...thanks again
Great! Come to think of it your gonna want advice/suggestions from LKH, Lizardking, & Doc before you send it off
Got the C&D ready to go...I'm going to goto a fax place shortly...for some reason the fax here isn't printing confirms and I really don't want them to have my fax number here anyway...JAVAN...thanks for the help much less stressed now...and Doc....