After the mortgage hits your cbr

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jamee25, May 20, 2002.

  1. Jamee25

    Jamee25 Well-Known Member

    At what point after your new mortgage hits your cbr do your scores increase? Dont they drop at first?

    One of my reasons for a lower score was because of too few mortgage accounts, now our first mortgage will be on the report soon, I was just curious if anyone knew how much they may increase.

    Currently around 627...BK-7 discharged in 1/2000.

  2. Jamee25

    Jamee25 Well-Known Member

    anyone? anyone?
  3. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    We got NOTHING in a score boost, and the account didn't even hit til it was 6 months old:(
  4. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    i didnt get a score boost either..

  5. jaj1701

    jaj1701 Well-Known Member

    Definately no score boost for me. I may have even lost a couple when it reported.
  6. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I've had my mortgage since Jan. and it's still not reporting....will let you all know what happens when it does...
  7. dtembe

    dtembe Active Member

    I closed on Sept 22nd 2001 on my house and the CRA's started reporting it in Mid March.
    There was no change to the score.

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