Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet Just so we are clear, soft inq do not affect "FICO score or for proprietary scores" either.
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet I used Doc's Trick myself. Some data to throw into the mix: 1) Initially 3 hard inquiries and 6 soft inquiries were removed, and I saw a 9 point CreditExpert score increase. 2) Last week another hard inquiry came off, and I netted another 3 CreditExpert points. 3) Today another 8 soft inquiries (that's right... EIGHT, LOL) came off, and I saw no (zero) CreditExpert score increase. This may support Solzy's contention that soft inquiries don't impact scoring. 4) On a related note, though, last week the "Promotional Opt-Out" notation appeared on my Equifax report, and my CreditWatch FICO score jumped 10 points. I can't be sure that this increase was due to the opt-out, but nothing else seemed to have changed. This may corroborate Marie's suggestion that formally opting-out provides a score boost. It should be pointed out that Marie noted that Trans Union maintains three categories of inquiries, including a category of soft inquiry that may indeed impact the Trans Union score. No corroboration on that so far. Doc
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet Just to make this abundantly clear, *I* don't claim this. 1) the CRAs say soft inqs are not delivered to anybody and 2) if they were lying and they were factored into ANY score -- which I do not believe is the case -- there is a massive (multi, multi million dollar) class action lawsuit for deceptive trade practices, etc. just waiting for an attorney to file.
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet Solzy, sorry I apparently pissed you off. I didn't mean anything except to point out that my experience seemed to bolster the point you were making. Doc
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet It's a good thing you know everything! Us here on CreditNet should feel priviledged!
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet The miserable attitudes of some people is completely amazing. Completely uncalled for. Why can't they make their points without being so nasty? And Doc, you did nothing that required an apology.
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet For a minute there, I thought you can actually offer something beyond guesswork. Unfortunately, speaking with absolutely certainty about things you know little about, does not make your position any more authoritative. Marie didn't say she knows for a fact that soft INQs lower one's score. She merely offered some evidence to support her proposition; Which is a lot more than what you offered to support yours. As for multi-million $ class-action suits, many of those are certified each year. By your logic, that must mean that the defendants never did anything wrong, since they wouldn't want to risk being sued. Yet, corporate reality appears to be slightly more complicated that what you seem to suggest. Saar
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet While I have never seen a validated score change, I have quoted TU many times where they separate inquiries into 3 sections: 1: The following companies have seen your report. ---hard inquiries definitely affecting score--- 2: The companies below received your name, address and other limited information so that they could make a firm offer of credit or insurance. They did not receive your full credit report, and these inquiries are not seen by anyone but you. ---soft inquiries but notice NO MENTION of whether they affect your score--- 3: The companies below obtained information from your report for the purpose of an AR or other business transaction. These inquiries and not displayed to anyone but you and will NOT AFFECT ANY CREDITOR'S DECISION or SCORE ---soft inquiries not affecting score--- So that would suggest that certain soft inquiries may affect your score...though I have seen nothing to refute or confirm this. -Peace, Dave
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet I'm going to ignore the ad hominen nonsense (as the rest of the thread) and the misrepresentation of what I said. However, for the life of me I cannot figure out how anyone could conclude that I said anything remotely like certification (or actually even the judgment/settlement of class action suits, since certification of a class is based on different factors than liability... commonality, etc.) suggests defendants did not do anything wrong. That theory/logic is bizarre. Perhaps what you meant to say is I think that because class action suits exist as a deterrent defendants never do anything wrong. I don't think that either. For the last time. *I* don't think anything about soft inq. Except this: CRAs say they have no effect. Are not delivered to anybody else. All the CRAs say this. If they are lying -- its certainly conceivable -- they are all subject to a massive lawsuit. And not just from consumers. But here's the problem.....nobody has ever produced even a shred of evidence soft inqs change any score. But there is *lots* of evidence they don't affect them one iota. Dave's comparison of TU 2 and 3 stands as a potential exception that also confirms the above (though it could just be a draftsman's error...). In any event it does not alter the conclusions below: Ergo disputing 100s of soft inqs on one weekend day, and possibly contributing to death of a technique of extraordinary and incontroverted value, to gain something of zero value was very short sighted. For the dale carnegie crowd: monumentally ^2 stupidity.
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet I'm going to agree with Solzy. I wish I could have disputed a hard inquiry or two back when Doc's Tricks were working, but I don't think it was too brilliant for everyone to rush to dispute *all* of their inquiries at once and particularly their soft inquiries to the tune of sometimes 50 soft inquiries at a time! If Experian wasn't aware of what was posted here before...they likely keep at least half an eye out (If they check their access logs at all, it would be glaringly obvious that they were getting a lot of hits coming from the url of Doc's post with the links.) I don't think Solzy was slamming anyone...merely pointing out the obvious, IMHO. I think if people had used it sparingly, it quite possibly would have lasted a lot longer Then again...I could just be jealous that I wasn't able to get any inquires deleted. ( least I'm L
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet LOL I agree. I do not think the number of folks rusing out to "use" the "trick" on soft inquiries mattered, CE, and EX would have noticed anyway...maybe it would have been a bit less obvious...but once information is published here there are no guarantees on how it will be used. If DOC had kept it to himself, the "trick" still may work. But then again you would not have known about it because he wouldn't have posted it..."6 in 1 half dozen the other"...only thing for sure is that the "trick" no longer exists. As the Soup Nazi would say...."No dispute for you, Next!" LOL ) -Peace, Dave
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet Actually, Dave, you're more correct than you know, LOL. I *did* keep the trick to myself for a few weeks, because I fully realized that it would disappear once published. I was actually selfish enough to think, "Hey, I've got my own private method for disputing Experian inquiries." Somehow I contained my guilt for 15 or 20 days, and then I couldn't stand it anymore, so I went public. So, I'm not such a great guy about this after all. The truth is the truth, though. There is one other truth, though, that I'm still not tellin'. Cough, cough. Some tricks just have to remain a secret. ::clearing throat and coughing again:: Psych "Sealed Lips" Doc
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet Do you know how many emails you will get from this post, Doc???? It crossed my mind to email you myself to plead my cause, but I always hate to be one amongst L
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet I am going to keep this post alive through the 30 day deadline by updating you guys with the results of Doc's trick on our credit files. Whether you like it or not. LOL The talk here is constructive. That's why we are here. No one knows what the effect of soft inq's is on the credit score. Doing a major deletion of softs at 1 time can provide an indicator as to whether softs afffect the score or not. Nave is right on the money with his comments about TU. When I went back and read what Marie was trying to say it looked like a mortgage lender told her a way to help maximize your score is to OPTOUT and then sometime later ( maybe 90 days ) the score will rise due to less recent softs. So we may have to wait awhile to see the positive effect. Doc, Our OPTOUT is showing on our EQ files . No change in score (yet). Doc again, please don't keep us in suspense. LOL Tell us the 2nd trick. PLEEAASSEE!!!
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet I'd better nip this in the bud before it fully blooms. For the record, I was joking. If I come across anything interesting, I'll post it. Doc
Re: Doc's trick, 2 soft inq's delet Unfortunately, when running out of logical arguments, some people resort to profanity and name calling, as a means to de-legitimize other opinions and in an attempt to end discussion. They feel it re-inforces their proposition, even if not supported by anything other than authoritative-sounding comments. Saar