Preselected Kmart Platinum MC offer

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by QUEEN_BEE, May 21, 2002.


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    0% on purchases and BT until Dec 2002.


    No mention of CL and go-to is 19.8%.


    On the 'Your Billing Rights' pamphlet:

    You were selected for this offer based upon the information in your credit report which satisfied Capital One's criteria for credit worthiness. Grant of this offer, after you respond to it, is conditioned upon your satisfying the creditworthiness criteria used to select you for the offer and upon your satisfying any applicable criteria bearing on your creditworthiness, including your income, employment and any other information provided on your application. You have the right to prohibit information contained in your credit report from being used in connection with any credit or insurance transaction that is not initiated by you."

    Will they pull a credit report? No where else does it talk about a credit report.
  2. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    Yes, and probably from all 3. I have received 3 offers from cap one, and have been approved each time.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Has anyone gotten this offer? Also, the only info that the app asks for is my ssn, phone number and dob. Is that a good sign?

    What credit limit am I likely to get? I already have a Gold Visa with Cap One.
  4. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    Yes. I received the card back in April.

    Yes. The offer form only asks for a few ID items, but take a look near/around the bottom. I believe you can call-in your application via an automated system.

    With my scores listed in my signature line, I received $4500 for Kmart purchases with $4000 for non-Kmart technically, I got $4K.
  5. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: Preselected Kmart Platinum MC o


    I got pre-select offers for Kmart Mastercard 1 1/2 years ago from the mail. The APR is 0% for first 6 months afterwards 11.9% fixed,19.8% for cash advance and no annual fee. They approved me for $3500 and they increased my limit to $5500 after two months.

  6. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Re: Preselected Kmart Platinum MC o

    Ron, you got the prime Kmart Mastercard. Subprime has the $200 starting limit and 19.8 a.p.r. and some accounts have the $4 monthly participation fee. My Kmart mastercard is at 12.9 fixed a.p.r. ,no annual fee and $1200 credit limit.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: Preselected Kmart Platinum MC o

    Is my offer subprime?

    What income must I have to qualify for at least a $3K CL?

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