Anyone file complaints with the attorney general regarding CAs lack of validation? I am thinking about sending complaints to the board that governs collection agencies in my state.. I was looking at the website, and it appears this may help with deletions and more ammo in lawsuits. There is also the Colorado FDCP act. It is basically the same as the federal one, but maybe this is another avenue, taking it on as more of a state level. I am sure the collection agencies do not want to mess with someone who will file lawsuits and get their license in trouble???
No, those won't do anything I think... this is the board that can revoke licenses in my state... they will investigate all claims.. they will contact the CA, I spoke to a lady there and she says they investigate all claims that are in writing.... they get letters of Admonition and will revoke licenses. They are sending me a 22 page list of statutes regarding CAs. Seems like this may lead to good things.
I have used the BBB and I believe that they are a JOKE. They just send papers out from you to them, from them to you. That's it. Charlie
I got my state banking dep't, who governs ca's in my state, involved in one matter. It took 3 -4 weeks and the reply from the ca was they were deleting. Also, as far as filing complaints with the ftc - they won't get involved in individual matters. If they find a prolonged pattern of violations, then they will get involved.
I have sent 2 complaints to the Texas AG and received back an answer to my complaints that thanked me and told me what a good citizen I was for my interest in the FCRA. They didn't even address my complaints.
See, that's odd, because the Texas AG sent a letter and investigated my claim, and I got the item deleted. The Oregon AG did the same and again, deletion. I sent a typewritten letter, and copies of all my paperwork. I also sent complaints in to the BBB AND the Vp and contact person on the BBB site. I mean, I don't know if it was a combination of everything I did, but they worked for me. Plus, as far as putting together a woobie to take before a judge, it shows you are serious and have taken as many steps as you could before bringing it to court; that was my purpose in doing all this. I think it helps if you cc: the company on your claim letter to the AGs and the BBBs. Oh, yeah, and send letters to whomever deals with the CAs like LKH says.
they won't get involved in individual matters. If they find a prolonged pattern of violations, then they will get involved.LKH============= The can't find it when it's in their lap.
The Texas AG and BBB have both worked for me. Check the CA's BBB record. If they are listed as "satisfactory" I think you have a better chance of the BBB route working. One CA I was having major problems with (three accounts) was a MEMEBER of the BBB and had a good rating. I sent a complaint and within 30 days all three accounts were deleted. The CA sent a letter basically saying "we deny everything but we'll delete the account and cease collection activity anyway."