4 (count 'em) whole points!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mark LA, May 23, 2002.

  1. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Experian deleted 1 of the 3 hard inquiries that I disputed a few weeks ago and... drumroll... my score went up 4 WHOLE POINTS from 688 to a whopping 692! HOT DANG!
    question - how is it that an inquiry can cost you 10 to 15 points - but when it's deleted you get only 4 measly points back?
  2. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Don't complain. One of my inquiries was deleted and I lost 3 points according to CE.

  3. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Sigh, i see.
    (btw - gib - I also had a drop of 3 points a while back wheon one of my inquiries past the 6 month point - and my balances weren't higher than before - go figure)

    The thing that's frustrating is that the 2 main reasons for my score not being higher is length of credit histroy (first card reporting is 4.5 yrs old) and inquiries (2 in the past 6 mos on Experian).
    On the other hand - I got 3 new cards in the past 2 months - an addt 20K in credit on top of what I already had (total cl 56.5K) - so I guess I shouldn't be all whiney about the damn score.
  4. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Lizardking -

    Yeah - I have noticed - on Experian especially - that debt - even small - has a significant effect on score. I've got about 7K debt - which is about 15% of my total credit available on Ex (I actually have another 8.2K cl on Generations Bank - but they don't report).
    I read somewhere that if you have a longer length of credit history - let's say at least 7 years - 15% utilization is fine - HOWEVER - if your credit history is short - 15% can negatively effect your score.
    I'm going to do like you did - try to pay it down to a minimum over the next few months (If i have to use credit - i'll use non-reporting Generations Visa) and see what happens.
  5. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Remember the old Green Stamps which you could redeem for merchandise ? LOL!! My Mom would always just throw them in the drawer - and I would suffer once a month with a saliva shortage when I had to paste those nasty things into the books !?!!

    aarrfff - dogman
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    When I went from 0 to 1 inquiry on EX my score dropped 13 points. I'm waiting on Docs Trick to see how many points I recover. I think the 30 days is in the next couple of days. Charlie
  7. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    LOL Dog S&H Green Stamps....and all that for lousy merchandise...

    Well THEYRE BACK...they even have an S&H GreenStamp Visa Card LOLOLOL

    Actually the stamps are STILL redeemable they say, "after all, they never expire" LOL


    A generation of Americans grew up with them, Andy Warhol immortalized them in his art and consumers redeemed more than $10 billion in rewards with them. S&H Green Stamps were all the rage and everywhere you looked, America was collecting them.

    Now S&H Green Stamps are back in an all-new digital format.


    -Peace, Dave
  8. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Don't forget about the Gold Bond stamps. LOL

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