I recently disputed Providian inquiries on my report - hard and soft. (for one card with a whopping $2,000 limit they pulled 2 hards and 2 softs ON THE SAME DAY). Anyway, they verified all 4 of them. Just thought this might save someone who might be considering disputing any Providian inquries some work since apparently, they do verify..even soft inquiries. <sigh> Ozzy.
I directly mailed Providian a letter today asking that they delete the inquiries they made on my EXP and TU reports the same day. Hope I have better luck than you did. Sounds like you disputed it with a CRA? How long did it take them to verify them?
I got on the Doc's bandwagon last month and disputed them online with Experian... I did get 2 hard inquiries from my credit union deleted (one of which wasn't authorized by me - it was 2 weeks after I got my car loan!)... so I'm still thankful for it... but it's just annoying that a card with that low of a limit would come with that many inquiries - on the same day! And then they had the nerve to verify them <G>... oh well... they are almost 6 months old anyway, but it just toasts my weenie and surprises me that they took the time to verify even soft inquiries... I guess since they were all on the same date they just looked at one and said, 'yup...' and verified the other 3 along with it. Ozzy.
mattg - took them about 2 1/2 weeks to verify.. I was fooled - after about 2 weeks and no response I thought I was home free!...little Providian buggers.... Ozzy.
I would redispute again, but wait 30 days. I don't understand them verifying a dispute when I know a lot of people have had an easy time disputing chargeoffs with them. I may be wrong, but I thought CC and others only kept inquiry data 30 to 90 max. Charlie
They "VERIFIED" they "PULLED" them...but did they have a "PERMISSABLE PURPOSE"??? Wouldn't their "PERMISSABLE PURPOSE" have EXPIRED with the FIRST "HARD"???
Charlie, I'd started fixin' stuff in December - and Providian was the 1st card I got - I thought that was all my scores would allow (675ish). I was new to CreditNet and just didn't do enough reading and learning before I applied for Providian. They sent me a preapproval and I went 'yahooo!! Someone besides CapOne wants my business!' Guess you could say I had no 'credit confidence'. When I'd got Providian, I still had 27 late mortgage payments on my report, so at that point that very well may have been the only thing I'd qualify for (the lates were just 3 years old). I thought I was doin' good when I got the Target Visa with a $1500 cl. Then those late mortgage payments went away and although my score didn't go up all that much, I then got Citi, Umbrella, Fleet, Discover and JCPenney... combined CL's of nearly $50,000. So now I have it and figure I'll keep it 'til it's a year old before I close it. It has no annual fee and I use it 1x a month just to keep it active. I'm trying to 'tweak' my credit now that I have 2 clean reports and Eq will be clean of one 30 day late from 1995 later this year. I'm gonna be making a large purchase (a barn) and am trying to get my scores as high as possible right now so when the charge hits, my score doesn't go tumbling south. I guess damage control really. Ozzy.
Ozzy, My bad, I thought you were in the process of getting a Providian card. Good luck with the barn. They have those prefab barns that are fairly reasonable if someone is a liitle building inclined. Good luck! Charlie
As long as it's a current creditor, they have permissible purpose to do almost anything they want to... hard and soft and in any amounts. If the account is closed and paid in full, that's when permissible purpose ends. Also, if it's a closed and paid account and you have a reporting issue they can't pull your report to see what's on it... they have to ask you for a copy. As to the excessive pulls, I agree it's stupid and it will hurt the score. Perhaps a goodwill letter? But, they have no legal obligation to remove the inquiries and additionally, Providian hasn't really been in a very "good will" mood lately. So you can try and see if you can appeal to someone's sense of justice. Really 2 hard inquiries connote 2 distinct applications for credit so you have a logical thought there for removal... but as for fcra permissible purpose... they have it. Perhaps a reclassification of hard to soft? that would help and it would accurately reflect the reality of only one application but lots of pulls. Forget the soft inquiries, account reviews won't hurt you a bit. It's only the 2 hard inquiries that are incorrect. It should be only 1 and 1 reclassified as soft.
As per raising your score, stop applying for new credit. You have more than enough. New accounts really kill your score for up to a year because it skews the aging. This effect far outweighs one little wrong inquiry. If you want to max your score, use the new cards some and 2-3 mos before you apply for the barn loan, pay all revolving accounts to zero and let them sit a month or 2. You want all revolving accounts (credit cards) at 0 when you apply for a new loan. You don't need another loan or anything else between now and the barn loan. FYI, a very old derog won't really hurt you. Scores count the last 24 mos the most so as long as your last 2 years are clean, your scores should be ok. also, 675 is a decent score. In the future, if you want a mortgage or a large installment loan, apply for that first, then get credit cards. A credit card doesn't care if you have a new mortgage, but a mortgage will care that you have 50k in new revolving credit... really doing it in the other order is best. Regardless, let it all sit now and do nothing but be perfect with your payments.
Hi Marie.. thanks for taking the time to respond to my posts. As far as the Providian inquiries, I'm probably just gonna let them ride. They were from December and that's those are the only hard inquiries on my Exp report in 1 year... maybe I'll fiddle with them again later ... but thanks for sharing with me about their permissable purpose. =-) I'm not in the market for a mortgage or installmenet loan - already have a mortgage and 2 car payments. =-) I'm putting what I can't pay for now on my barn on an existing card - with 0% 'til next June... I was trying to raise my scores so when the the bill hits, my score will be high enough not to plummet with a large purchase... maybe I didn't explain that very well. =-) I guess I'm just so creidt conscious now that I know putting several thousand on my card is gonna knock some points off of my score and I was just trying to tweak so the damage of a high balance isn't too nasty. =-) Ozzy.