First Premier-Worth it??????

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kozman, May 23, 2002.

  1. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    I just received a pre-approval offer from First Premier. 9.9 fixed. The fee's are crazy. set-up fee 29.00, program fee 95.00, annual fee 48.00, participation fee 72.00(6.00 a month). Has anyone had any luck with First Premier with waiving these fees. How about a BT? Would they waive fees then? Cards I have now:

    Providian: Getting ready to pay-off(WTF on the 29.9) Never been late
    3 Capital One Gold cards

    All paid on time for over 12 months. Would this First Premier card hurt or help me. I'm looking at buying a house in 6-8 months. I would not really charge anything except daily items to show a history. Any advice is greatly appreciated. THANKS!!!
  2. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    Does anyone have any input??
  3. anesthesia

    anesthesia Well-Known Member

    You'll find that Planetfeedback is an excellent resource to find out about others' experiences with a company. When looking to see which credit cards had good customer service and which ones gouged customers or ruined their credit quickly, I went to PFB, chose 'credit card industry', and it displays both complaints and compliments. You can almost guarantee that those fees equal bad news. I was horrified by the feedback on Providian. I can't believe that they will be able to stay in business much longer charging people almost 30% interest.
  4. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    A few hundred dollars more and I'm through with Providian. I can get cheaper money from a loan shark. I just want to find out if I can transfer my balance from Providian to this First Premier and have 1st Premier waive those BS fees. Thanks, I'll try PFB....
  5. techman

    techman Well-Known Member

    I got one from them and in the fine print they state we do not extend credit.

    You build up a balance in your account and slowly increase your available funds. It was $15/mth minimum payment. I believe $7 went to fees and $8 to build your "avaiable balance" Sounds like a savings account that charges you interest.
  6. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member






    but that is just my opinion.
  7. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    THanks, I'll take that opinion as good advice and chuck it out the window.....
  8. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Run, don't walk, away from that Premier offer. They stuck me with several months of derogatory info on my credit report for absolutely no reason-- and then refused to do anything about it until I started screaming "LAWSUIT." Customer service SUCKs at Premier>> the reps have no power to help the customer. Fees are outrageous-- the APR on my card was decent, but only after I pulled teeth to get it reduced. CL increases are virutally unheard of. No... they are definitely not worth it.
  9. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    I hope mt previous reply wasn't misunderstood. I'm chucking the offer, not the advice, out the window:):)
  10. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm going to go against the grain here. When I started rebuilding, I got the 1st Premier card. Over a years time, they have eliminated all fee's, lowered the apr to 9.9% for ever, and given me a line increase. I have had no problems with them and although I am now in prime land, I am keeping this one because they were very good to me when I had terrible credit.
  11. Desdemona

    Desdemona Well-Known Member

    I have to go with LKH I never had a problem with 1st Premier. I've had them since 11/99 and they eliminated all fees and lowered my apr to 11.9%(I haven't called in a while maybe I can get 9.9%) and I get about two increases a year. I have conditioned myself to pay the bill ever month so I haven't paid intrest on that card since 10/00. I keep the card around to pay for gas and credit reports, hehehe. My higher limit, prime cards are too young (13 months) for me to close a perfect history some what older account just because it's a ugly card. Now that they have online access I think they are stepping up just a bit. Just my two cents.
  12. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Just out of curiosity, does anybody know what the highest possible unsecured cl is with 1st Premier?


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