How many times do you dispute?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by laurie33, May 24, 2002.

  1. laurie33

    laurie33 Well-Known Member

    I have a few derogs that are just not going anywhere. I'm wondering how many times you all keep disputing and what reasons do you give to get them to continue investigating? Is there a point where you just give in and surrender? Thanks!
  2. dfwgt

    dfwgt Well-Known Member

    Never a point to surrender! Take some time off...yes!

    With Experian, you can only dispute twice, afterwards they refuse. If you're stuck there, you can then dispute directly with the OC (Although I'm not sure how successful you'll be). TransUnion took me 3 attempts. Equifax?? Not sure since I'm on my second attempt with them.

    You may not get everything removed right away, but you'll get about 67% removed, and that ain't bad...
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    As many times as it takes. I've only gotten the refusal to investigate once and that's part of my lawsuit against Experian (albeit a small part). If you give them any new info at all, they are supposed to reinvestigate.

  4. laurie33

    laurie33 Well-Known Member

    Whyspers, would new information include a different reason for disputing? Or would I have to provide some physical proof? One that is so stubborn is this stupid $20 paid chargeoff that has incorrect dates and is supposed to fall off in 10/02 but updates status to the current month every month! Making it look like I just incurred this chargeoff (even though purge date still stays the same). I can't believe the smallest thing is sticking like glue when I've gotten much larger unpaid accounts deleted, LOL.
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    you'll get about 67% removed, and that ain't bad...
    33% incorrect sure as heck hain't good.!

  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    ANY new information counts. That's why its a good idea not to unload your entire arsonal of dispute points on your very first dispute. Save some of that ammo in case you need to file for a reinvestigation.

    "As many times as it takes" is great advice. Ideally you'll become such a pain in the butt they will delete just to make you go away, (ideally).

  7. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    laurie33, The small ones are usually the hardest. Have you tried the CA? Charlie
  8. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Laurie, if it is due to fall off in four months or thereabouts, I would dispute it as obsolete.

  9. laurie33

    laurie33 Well-Known Member

    I'll try the obsolete route now. I tried not mine and never late but no luck. I just can't get over how stubborn this $20 has been, LOL. I guess worst case, I'll have to wait till Oct. when it falls off but we're all impatient when it comes to getting rid of negatives, right? :)
  10. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    Anyone knows... once dispute is deleted by one CRA,is it also deleted by other two CRA's ?
  11. anomaly847

    anomaly847 Guest

  12. laurie33

    laurie33 Well-Known Member

    If only...... <sigh>
  13. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    § 611. Procedure in case of disputed accuracy [15 U.S.C. § 1681i]


    (D) Automated reinvestigation system. Any consumer reporting agency that compiles and maintains files on consumers on a nationwide basis shall implement an automated system through which furnishers of information to that consumer reporting agency may report the results of a reinvestigation that finds incomplete or inaccurate information in a consumer's file to other such consumer reporting agencies.

    This is what should happen but never does.
  14. laurie33

    laurie33 Well-Known Member

    Wow, mindcrime, I didn't know that was in there! I wonder if anybody's ever used it by sending a letter to a CRA that deleted and tried to get them to get the others to delete? It might be worth a try. I'll try all the tricks I can to get these few stubborn things removed.

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