I posted last week that the inquiry from Jan 9, 2002 for the Target visa was no longer on my report. Counting that one, I should have 6 hard inquiries on Equifax since the 1st of the year. Today I see that an inquiry for Household/BestBuy is gone from 2/19 as well as an Amex inquiry from early Feb. Both were hard inquiries and now for some reason there is only 3 hard inquiries left. It appears that Equifax is deleting them after 3 months for some reason. Anybody else notice this?
YES!!!! I had at least seven a couple of months ago and now down to four. I don't know what happened to the other ones. L
Yes they are..... I have had my mortgage inquires from 9/2001 fall off as well as Sears from 11/2001 and Citi from 1/2002. My only remaining hard inquiry is 1/2002 from Amex. WooHoo! Scores have increased from 739 to 757 then to 764! This rocks!
I know what happened. They went poof! Don't forget that an inquiry is a matter of fact and cannot be deleted. LOL - morons.
I had a discussion with the local EQ office on 5/12 on another issue but she explained that they have implemented a new system that may be causing these changes we are experiencing. Maybe now that there is a big push in the market for consumers to check your report often (identity fraud and creditnetters), their servers are getting overloaded and it costs them more when they have to keep buying additional servers to hold all this information. This year all companies are cutting expenses so this doesn't surprise me. They would not implement a new system unless it saved money first and was more efficient second.
I've also had three disappear that way, and I wondered if it had something to do with my lawsuit. Clearly that was the wrong explanation (unless everyone in this thread also had a suit against Equifax at some point). Very interesting! Doc
It doesn't have anything to do with buying servers. I can almost guarantee that these databases live on SANs somewhere - attached to SQL, Oracle, or some other proprietary database application. When additional space is needed on a SAN, you just plug additional drives into it and they are not real expensive anymore.