Well....I guess I can finally believe it. Today in the mail arrived my Fidelity Platinum AMEX card. I WIN! GAME OVER! This is the card that I've always wanted and even though I went the easy way (via Fidelity) I still get the same benefits and respect as a non Fidelity Platinum member. O.k. O.k. so I cheated (you got me!)....but still, I'm happy! I just didn't have the patience to spend the next several years charging my eyes out on a Gold AMEX charge card (I would of had to product transfered from my Optima Platinum card to Gold charge) and then wait to be invited to apply or upgrade to the Platinum. I do realize that Momof3 got invited to upgrade after several months, I don't think I would of been that lucky. I can't even tell you how crazy AMEX is. The card came packaged in a blue rectangular numbered (silver sticker on back) box type packaging that you could velcro open and closed. On the front were the words "PLATINUM" in silver foil with a silver foil picture of the card. Inside the fold was the card in a plastic sleeve and a nice letter signed by Alfred F. Kelly, Jr. General Manager, Consumer Cards (member since 1981). Along with a letter was a 45 page manifesto of all of the benefits of the card and a bunch of other little flyers that I have to fill out (i.e. travel profile). Talk about crazy. On a good note, I get free enrollment into the Membership Rewards program for both of my AMEX cards. I'm not going to even go over all of the benefits of this card, it's simply amazing! I'm excited. The card looks exactly like the regular Platinum charge card with the exception of the words "Fidelity Investments" under the words "Platinum" and directly to the right of the face in the middle. Interesting enough....the member since date on this card is 00. I first became a member in 2000 when I got the secured Optima card (Ha!). Then my OAOA (on again off again) added me as AU on his Gold charge. When they sent the Gold Fidelity AMEX card, it had a member since 01 on it (for when I got my Optima Platinum in 2001 I guess). I am at peace in the credit world now. Nothing else matters to me other than fighting for better terms. Anyone else care to join me? LOL...
Congrats. Have a good time with it. I know how thrilled you are as I just got my gold delta skymiles card after a little battle to get approved.
I would click on the "ACCEPT PRE-APPROVED" button for AMEX DELTA SKYMILES...BUT I know I would be DENIED...and it's $85.00!!! FIRST USA UNITED VISA is only $60.00...
MP$40, I bet that made your weekend. What are your scores and how did you get it? Thru Fidelity? Charlie
Always Double MilesSM with the Gold Delta SkyMiles Credit Card With the Gold Delta SkyMiles® Credit Card, you will earn 10,000 SkyMiles the first time you make a purchase with your Card. Thanks to Always Double MilesSM, an ongoing feature of the Delta SkyMiles® Credit Card from American Express, you'll earn double SkyMiles at supermarkets, gas stations, drug stores, home improvement stores, the U.S. Postal Service, on Delta Air Lines purchases, or when you pay your wireless phone bill. The Card has an annual fee of $85 ($55 is waived, annual fee reduced to $30 if you have a qualifying American Express Consumer Charge Card), a competitive APR, a grace period up to 20 days, and a line of credit up to $100,000. Additional Cards are fee-free, so you can share virtually all the benefits and services with your friends or family members. Use your Card everywhere American Express Cards are accepted, and watch those SkyMiles add up!1 2
I know what it says. It also says that on the info that came with the card. But, when I have spoken to cust. service 2 different times, they both said no annual fee. Maybe it's just the 1st year? I don't know. I'll call them again and ask for the 3rd time and let you know.
10,000 SIGN UP BONUS AND 1 MILE PER $1.00... I know there is a FREE 1/2 card...I think it is UNITED STUDENT VISA CARD 1/2 mile per $1.00...
I know you must be happy, but how in the world can a -- pretty much -- Debit Card be the "end all" to your credit journey? Heck, AMEX is not even taking a RISK on you...no credit extended, nothing. It seems that this card works only in their favor. I think you would want, at least, to have them "extend" some of their money -- the idea behind "credit" -- to you? For example: Look at some of the below items. A Platinum AMEX card that won't even trust you with a Sign & Travel Option? AMEX wins this one. Fidelity American Express Platinum Card Q. What is the difference between the Fidelity American Express Platinum Card and the Platinum Card? A. The Fidelity American Express Platinum Card comes with the following benefits and features: $75 towards the Fidelity American Express Platinum Card's annual fee paid by Fidelity. Fidelity will save you $75 per year by paying that amount towards the Card's $395 annual fee and reducing your cost to $320 as long as you maintain your Fidelity Account. Free ATM access for qualified customers.1 You will have access to cash at over 300,000 ATMs worldwide. Purchases are debited monthly and cash transactions are debited daily from your Fidelity Account. All transactions are reported on your monthly Fidelity Account statement. The following Platinum Card features are not available on the Fidelity American Express Platinum Card: Separate American Express statement with Card member offers Flexible payment date Extended payment options, such as Sign & Travel® and Special Purchase AccountSM Privileged Assets®
Isn't all Amex Charge Cards has Sign & Travel and extended payment option available toward Cardmembership?? Herman
None of AMEX's "Debit Card" style cards have the Sign & Travel or Extended Payment Option -- Not that these features are so great, but come on, AMEX should at least be GRANTING some type of credit for a stupid Platimun Card. Yikes.
The most expensive metal known to man: CALIFONIUM So, the "CALIFONIUM" Visa card. "So hot, it'll just KILL your friends." **Terms subject to change**
Fantastic! I am so happy for you MP. Perfect time to enjoy it for the summer. Congratulations. I'll join you. -Peace, Dave
Does anyone wonder why AMEX provides these "debit" style cards instead of just going ahead and granting a regular charge card? It seems they are giving away the Platinums now-a-days, why would we put $$$ into a account and then then pay for the treat of spending our own money with no risk at AMEX? Seems a huge way to make a buck.
I've read all of your comments Joe. I really don't know what to say other than I guess it boils down to the fact that I like nice things. I'm not going to sit here and b.s. you. I grew up poor. My mom knew how to make a 100 dishes out of Top Ramen (no joke). I started out very disadvantaged (had a baby at 16) but I managed to graduate from h.s. and college (thanks to a volleyball scholarship) and do well for myself with the help of virtually no one. I work hard for what I have and I'll be damned if I'm going to buy a Louis Vuitton purse and pull out a Providian Visa Gold card to buy it. Sorry...that's just how I am. O.k. so this card doesn't have sign and travel...BFD! I wouldn't make charges on the card that could potentially put me in a position to need more time to pay for it. The only difference with this card is yes it's a debit card, meaning at the end of the month, they take the money out of your account. What's the difference between that and them sending me a bill and me either paying on line, over the phone, or mailing a check? The way I see it, they are doing me a favor. Maybe I have it luckier than regular Platinum customers who have to initiate payment to AMEX themselves. The only thing I have to do is make sure I deposit money that I charged back into my account to ensure that I'm not funking off 2/3 of my lifes savings. I can do that with the click of a button. I'm actually getting a better deal since Fidelity pays $75 of my annual fee. Regular Plantinum customers pay the full amount! O.k. so the card is not reporting on my credit. I really don't care...it's not crucial. To add to that, I don't pay any fees on my Fidelity account either. O.k. lets be honest here...everyone knows on this board that the AMEX Platinum Charge card is the card to have...PERIOD! O.k.....lets not forget about the AMEX Centurion Black card but for us (unless your name is Will Smith, Jerry Seinfeld, etc.) that card is not within reach....maybe in 20 years? Whatever...see it how you want but lets not kid ourselves. The credit card game is a nasty one. People love to flash and sport cards. I know people who will turn down cards solely due to their looks. Remember that ugly ass yellow Aria card? That was the must pitaful card I've ever seen. I don't care if the card had the current Prime Rate for the APR...I would never get that card ever! Nope...sorry! But that's just me. Some people care and others don't. If the Credit Card Fairy came along and said, you can have ANY card that is available in the entire world, which one do you want? I would pick the ever so mysterious AMEX Black card HANDS DOWN. Since there is no Fairy currently floating around, I chose the next best and figured out a way to get it. I don't make over $100k a year and I didn't have the patience, the AAA credit rating, or the money to charge (was it $5k or $10k/mo in spending?) on a Gold AMEX to get to the next level. So you think AMEX still won? Well think again the next time you see me pre-flight to Vegas chillin in the Airport Club sipping Champagne while others are stitting in some hot ass pre boarding area having to listen to some mofo yelling on his cell phone, "Can you hear me? Can you hear me?" I like nice things and I like to be treated nice...just because I'm not some well off wealthy girl doesn't mean that I can't have the same things they do. I just have to go about it a different way. I think that's called Champagne tastes on a beer budget. LOL...
They are! They're giving you the opportunity to use their card (and all of the lovely benefits) and still be able to earn interest on your money for 30 more days until they debit your account. Isn't THAT credit? Just like GEORGE said once...it costs you money to use cash.
M - I very much enjoyed your story. You are to be congratulated - applause applause - because you are making your own rules and have become an independent SELF MADE success. As far as AMEX goes - yes its credit - they do not collect on purchases for a full 30 days. Cash is debited immediately. Again, congrats on the Platinum and the continuous wins! bes regards - fogged in dogman