I gained 70 points on TU yes 70 points just for getting an old address deleted. They don't tell you this, but multiple addresses over a 10 year period definately impacts your score, because it is a sign of instability and risk of flight. How much it impacts your score is what surprised me 70 points for one old address deletion. Those of you looking for a few extra points would be wise to start there.
Robin, Thank you so much for the tip! EXP had 21 addresses listed for me and only 6 were correct. There were at least 3 misspelled variations for each correct address. I'm very curious to see how the elimination of 14 bad addresses is going to boost my score.
Robin, I would be surprised if that was the only factor in your 70 point gift. I removed all previous addresses on all reports several months ago. I got ZERO points for it. Experian had over 20 listed-two were correct. TU had two. Equifax had two I think.
Thanks for the advice. I am disputing wrong name and addresses with them, they have the wrong DOB as well.
LisaMC: I assure you that was the first and only thing I disputed with TU and I did it online. I just wanted to test the waters on their response rate. They sent me a new report in the mail with the update of the deleted address. I had a 70 point increase from this. Now here is the curious thing. Most of my major derogs were connected to this address. I asked for a deletion of this address based on the fact that the apartment info was inaccurate. Now I am wondering if it will make it easier to dispute the items connected to that address. Just a thought.
Tommy: I got my previous addresses form a report that they sent me. I disputed it online and it was deleted and I had a 70 point increase in my score. At the very least it's worth a shot.
Robin.... Previous addresses do not factor into your score. I've had 3 deleted in the last 3 months and the score didn't budge. I would definitely take a closer look at your report and compare it to an older one.
I've had all of my old/incorrect addresses removed (between 5-9) on all three bureaus and didn't get a boost from any of them. Sorry L
Well then please explain to me how my report went up 70 points in 1month on only TU with whom I disputed only one thing that incorrect address information and it was deleted. Everything else on the report is exactly the same.
Aging of accounts will also increase your credit score. Do you have any accounts that have reached the 6 mo., 1 year or 2 year reporting period?
I also agree, deleting an old address will not give you that huge boost. This is also TU score we are talking about and we all know is is not the REAL score. If this were Equifax you might make a case. I have had my TU score jump up and down without no apparent change.
No. In fact the only good accounts that I have are student loan accounts that don't even count because they are deffered. The rest our derogs. I am not sure if it is random number generation as has been suggested, I am sure that is a possibility, however I find it odd that this random generator only conveniently kicked in when I successfully disputed this info and to the tune of 70 points at that.
I am not trying to make a case for anything. I was only sharing an experience that may or may not work for others. Further, yes this is TU and there are creditors that pull only TU when applying for their credit cards. So real or not a score boost sure doesn't hurt. Ask the person that's sitting at 450 if they would like a 70 point boost and I bet they wouldn't care one way or another how TU dreams up it's scoring as long as they were able to benefit.
Don't get me wrong I am glad you got a boost for what ever reason. But believe me the score TU gives the consumers is NOT what they give the creditors, many have posted it and I have had this happen. So don't rely on the score TU gives you, it's not the same as the creditor sees.
On credit expert my score went up about 7 points and the only difference was 15 days and one address added. Now if you think of it from their point of view whatever information on you they can use to differentiate the good from the bad statistically, they will use it. Even if it is something stupid like the number of AKAs you have(maybe too many puts you statistically in with the con artists).
Robin- Even if all you have are derogs and one of the derogs ages, it's still a score boost. Its better than having no accounts.