Experian Is Aboslutely Nuts!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kathy, May 29, 2002.

  1. kathy

    kathy Well-Known Member

    I'm ready to knock these people out. I just pulled a report from creditexpert. nothing changed with any of the disputes I put in. One tradline that I disputed which is a CA they verified, but when I diputed with TU and EQ they deleted, so how the hell were they able to verify?? Also, they are so screwed up, they have a laundry list of address's for me and half of them they have a note down the bottom of the page saying that they are commercial and non- residential address's even my new address that I just supplied them with. They have all these old employers on my report. I had it with these people. I need advise big time!! I really don't know what to do next. Everything I'm reading on the board is telling me how hard of a time people are having getting old address's and such removed, granted I have not disputed any of these old address's yet, because I need to get some advice first on what would be the proper way to do this.

    I'm sorry, I really needed to vent!! I'm so pissed at EXP right now. I have to agree with the thread from yesterday. Something has to be done with these people. "Class Action Suit"???. No matter what I do I keep hitting brick walls with them.

    Please, Please Someone help me!!!!

  2. kathy

    kathy Well-Known Member


    Any suggestions ?

  3. robin

    robin Well-Known Member


    I am going to respond because I know how it is when you need an answer now. I would definately advise you to get those old addresses deleted immediately. When I got one old address deleted from TU my score jumped 70 points. I am not sure about experian but it was very easy with TU to have it removed. I would dispute it online if you can. That would be my first step. If not I would then dispute it by phone because you can at least explain to them that they must investigate anything on your credit report that you have a dispute with by law and you will know right away if they are going to investigate or not.
  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Kathy, Ex is very easy to dispute addresses. Just call them and tell them. They are also bad on different variations of peoples names. My opinion is that addresses have a negative impact on your score. Charlie
  5. ORiOnKileR

    ORiOnKileR Active Member

    I haven't received my results back from Ezperian yet, but yesterday I called them and told them they had almost ALL of my "Personal Information" incorrectly reported... The lady (Diana) on the other end of the line said that wouldn't be a problem and she could delete it while I was on the phone. We went through and deleted the 10 variations of my name... All 15 addresses (don't know where they came from) and left the three correct ones and various other information. Now I'm just playing the waiting game and going to see if things were actually changed... I'll let you know if it worked for me.

    I'll have my wife call and update her information today and see if she has as much cooperation as I had with EXP. Will be back to let you know if she gets a different response.

    - ORiOnKiLeR
  6. kathy

    kathy Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for your suggestions and opinons. I would be very interested to know what happens with your progress on those verbal address disputes. What I will do is I will give them a call and go over this again with them. and I'll see what happens. My only problem is they keep rejecting my current information of my new address. I mailed them a copy of my SS card, current pay stub and a Notarized Authorization Statement of my address, because I live with a family member and none of the utilites are in my name. Right now I'm writing a very strongly worded letter to them. weather this will help me I don't know. along with copies of everything again. also, would anyone know the answer to this question. On previous disputes with EXP they have not sent me a investigation reports to my new address because of them rejecting my info. they keep sending them to an old address. Are they in violation of FTC for not sending the report to the current address I keep giving them. I woudl like to address this in my letter to them. Any input would be great.

  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, I really needed to vent!! I'm so pissed at EXP right now. I have to agree with the thread from yesterday. Something has to be done with these people. "Class Action Suit"???. No matter what I do I keep hitting brick walls with them.

    kathy |
    Stopping the money flow will hurt them the most.
  8. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    I called Experian two days ago to dipute the gazillion of addresses they had on there. There were seventeen and only 5 were correct. The lady was really helpful as I told her the correct ones and she changed the other ones until we got to the last address. I asked her why an address I haven't lived at since I was 14 was on my credit report... Here's how that converstation went:

    Me: This address is incorrect. I haven't lived there since I was 14

    Her: Well, if you have lived there, it is valid and has to stay on your report.

    Me. Is there a credit account tying me to this account? If so, it was a fraudlent account as I was only 14.

    Her: Well, there must have been an account because it's on here.

    Me: So you are trying to tell me that every address I lived at before the LEGAL age of 18 should be on my credit report? Ridiculous. If so, then ever nine year old out there has a credit card.

    Her: Let me go ask a supervisor...

    2 minute interlude

    Her: We'll remove it.

    DUDE! Why did she put up a fight on an address I haven't lived at in years and can PROVE I didn't live at for years. The level of intellect is pretty low over there at Exp...

    Also, when I check 3 hours later on CreditExpert, it was updated. So, it does work to do it on the phone.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


  10. ORiOnKileR

    ORiOnKileR Active Member

    Well, all of my personal info has been corrected... I didn't claim to live at any of the addresses other than the three I wanted on there. I said, "I have a ton of addresses on my report that I don't know." And said that I've only lived at 3 different addy's in my lifetime...blah...blah...blah... They were all changed without any problems. I even told them that the variations of my name were way off and I only used one of the listed names. all of the extra names were deleted also. It was pretty simple, just wish everything was as easy! :)

    - ORiOnKiLeR
  11. Igotarock

    Igotarock Well-Known Member

    Hmm.. I just called to delete incorrect addresses and the lady I spoke with told me she could not do it over the phone, that I had to make a copy of the report and notate the inaccuracies and mail it in. This was after she made the comment that she could see I had signed up for and cancelled Credit Expert a couple of times. I guess she was punishing me!!
  12. kathy

    kathy Well-Known Member

    Thank you all so much for all your advice. I definately will try calling on these. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to respond with a "Thank You", but when your running after a 17 month old, time kinda gets away from you.

    thanks a bunch
  13. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    I found the same type of thing on my Experian report - weird variations of my name and tons of wrong addresses - some for states I've never even visited! Also my birthdate was wrong.

    I called Experian but they would not let me dispute over the telephone. I had to write to a service bureau. She said it was because I live in Arizona.

    They had me print out my online report (I have the 30 day trial of the credit trackerr) and write next to the ones that were wrong.

    I wish I could just have done it by telephone, but it appears that in some areas you can't.


    We'll see what happens.

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