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Lost or stolen does affect FICO

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, May 28, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Wow...I figured out why my score jumped from 649 to 662! It didn't even occur to me until tonight, but I had two Providian card numbers stolen so I had them close the accounts and reissue. They were listed as:

    Providian Financial xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT 10/1999 06/2001 Unknown
    Prior Paying History



    Providian Financial xxxxxxxxxxx
    INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT 10/1999 01/2001 Revolving
    PAYS AS AGREED $2341 29 02/2001
    Prior Paying History


    These were removed and my score jumped! That means (hopefully) when these other deletions come, I should hit 670 or above! I'm soooo excited!!!!

  2. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I wish EXP would delete my lost and stolen tradeline... been trying FOREVER. The last dispute I sent seems to have raised a read flag at EXP-- they are asking for identification before they will look into it. The tradeline was deleted off EQ and TU without incident. What reason did you use?
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I used "there is no dispute on this account, please delete" or something along those lines. I'm not sure what I said on the second one. Its strange though because now that I look at them, neither says card lost or stolen. Maybe the dispute was affecting my fico? I'm not sure...just glad they are gone...lol.

  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Did they show the account as closed with a balance, but not "lost or stolen"?
  5. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Breeze, it looks like one was closed with a zero balance and one was closed with a zero balance but was showing Dispute - Resolution pending. At least I think that's what it is showing. I copied and pasted above.


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