
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jeanyjo, May 28, 2002.

  1. Jeanyjo

    Jeanyjo Member

    I got a few Questions

    (1)......I got a letter (or a book) from a CA in wyoming that has 7 accounts..( i am in MO now)....All these accounts are from 95-97 the CA sent an Account Itemization (a print out) of each one of these accounts.......... these are all medical one is gas bill total for all accounts is right around 890.00
    Where do i go from here??
    Should i send them a Valadtion request now??

    (2)If i do send Valadation do i send 1 letter or 7 seperate letters??

    (3).....The Ca has reported this on my credit report as Date opened 01/2002 The account(s) went dilinquent on 6-97 so how do i figure the SOL?? and are the reporting that right?

    Thanks for any help or advice
  2. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the board.

    The good news is you may be able to fight this on a techicality. The bad news: you seem to be on the hook for the same amount of time whether it's WY or MO: 10 years. See
  3. Jeanyjo

    Jeanyjo Member


    What do mean on a technicality......What are my options if any.Should i send them a valadation and hope they cant prove anything??
  4. soren

    soren Well-Known Member

  5. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    Hopefully you will find an error, ( be it date, amount) and you can dispute with the CRA on that basis. If (again hopefully) they're slack in responding to the CRA, the item must be deleted.
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    If the CA sent you all the info, and on the account printouts they gave you it says the dates (95-97), and they reported it to the CRA as 2002 debt, wouldn't that be reaging?

    Although with the SOL being 10 years, you might want to leave well enough alone.

    Anyone else?
  7. Jeanyjo

    Jeanyjo Member

    I havent heard a peep from this CA in heck 5 + years and then all of a sudden they start calling constantly.......They wouldnt send me anything Until i told them I would not continue to speak to them like 4 days later i had this in my mail...(although they wouldnt give me there mailing address just a phone number to call) I thought it was reaging because they are marking it as a new account when in fact it is 5+ years old......I know the SOL is 10 years in WY and MO and from what i understand they have to get juristiction in MO to sue me....( i could be wrong on that).. Yes the can of worms have already been opened but I dont want to keep NOT answering the phone..

    and Since they have 7 accounts what is the likely hood that they would be able to validate them all. On the one they listed on my credit report it says ******Medical Center 2nds......what does the 2nds mean if anything?

    Thanks for your help on this i am so confused onthis one and dont want to screw up...
  8. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I would send validation letter and have them prove the accounts are yours. print outs don't mean anything, and I would however, if they validate ask for account activity going all the way back.

    I would dispute with the cra's as soon as i got confirmation that they had received my validation letter.

    this is how i would start. Once you do this and see their response, you can determine how to proceed.
  9. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    Caron is an excellnt site for much information, however, their State SOL information is inaccurate.
    This site has correct data and is constantly brought up-to-date,(note the change in Fl.judgements from 20 years to 7,effective 1/1/2002)
  10. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    From their site for Florida:
    Domestic Judgment: 7 Renewable
    This means they are renewable INDEFINITELY.


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