OK, I got the full $69.95 refunded...Thanks, Jason! So Doc, how'd you get the promo? If you keep coming up with these wonderful things, I'm gonna owe you my firstborn when we get around to having kids!
Rina, Their cancellations are immediate. I would sign up 5 minutes after cancelling. To everyone: **** DON'T CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE AND MENSION THE $24.95 DEAL **** Companies cancel good promotions if they get too many calls. The rep I talked to was asking me why I was cancelling, and I think she was expecting me to say something about a $24.95 deal. She hinted she had recieved a high number of calls already. So, avoid calling customer service if at all possible. Lets keep this great promotion going for as many people as possible. THANKS DOC! YOU ROC!
Has anyone gotten the message, "We're experiencing an unusually high volume...?" Were you able to finally get in and view your report? CardKid
I couldn't get it to work. I called and cancelled earlier. When I tried to sign up it said I had already used my free trial and that I would be charged immediately. Too bad the anount next to the charge said it would be 69.95 even though the previous screen had said 24.95. I wonder if they are on to us. Kim
Didn't work for me either... Got me most of the way in, took my cc, gave me transaction # then error saying to call cust.svc.... I didn't mention the price just cancelled the transaction altogether. Oh well...
Re: Doc's BARGAIN: Eq CreditWatch @ Looks like the bargain may have ended. Happy times to those who made it through. Doc
Thanks DOC I've got it for mysef and wife.I am going to log in everyday now while I am waiting for my results.
I'm just not sure what's funny about that... I actually took screen shots of my $24.95 sign-up process with confirmations and I will call tomorrow to push for the deal. Right now, I'm able to "logon" but then am asked what I want to sign up for...with CreditWatch at $69.95. I want my bargain!
$69.95 IS WHAT I GET TOO... But I have some 4 for the price of 3 left... When I was NOT getting any scores...for some reason they gave me 2 or 3 more "credits"... I wanted a FREE CREDITWATCH...they said if I can't get the scores with SCOREPOWER...I probably couldn't get scores with CREDITWATCH... I just tried a "NEW" report and got a new..."STUCK" score...but it works now...
Bummer, I am too late... Try this trick take an old report number go to on-line dispute, it will show you all of your current info (less the score). Simply leave before disputing. I have been keeping up with changes this way. Like all good tricks someday it will end.
now I'm getting a 404 error thorugh that link...too bad! i bet they might actually make more money on this service at the $25 rate. Volume would go way up, an once accounts are set their marginal cost should be trivial.
YOUR PAYING $69.95 FOR THE "PRIVILEGE" OF FIXING THE REPORT THAT SHOULD ALREADY BE 100% COMPLETE AND ACCURATE!!! $24.95 WOULD BE A RIP-OFF ALSO... Now if you got a $50.00 credit on your credit card that would be a GOOD DEAL...
Re: Doc's BARGAIN: Eq CreditWatch @ I was tempted to start a new thread called Scott's trick, but I have to give Doc credit for this. Try this link to get the special deal. LINK: https://www.econsumer.equifax.com/w...ations&deliveryMethod=Online&priceSource=ECWl If you get an error message saying something about cookies.... copy the link, open up a new window go to equifax.com. Then paste the link in the that browser and it should work. If it doesn't I'm sorry I tried. scott
Re: Doc's BARGAIN: Eq CreditWatch @ Which one costs $79.95???? I just got billed that amount and I can't figure out which one it was since I've had both CE and CW for months now. Are they just now getting around to billing? I know I've had CE since October...seems odd they would wait that long. L