Well, I had 15 incorrect addresses and incorrect variations of correct addresses removed yesterday. Checked CE today, no change in score. Hmm. Back to the drawing board.
I didn't think it would have any effect. I really think there is more to that case of the 70-point increase than just an address deletion.
Addresses must NOT have any affect on the score...except if you have a "BADDIE" tied to an old address...REMOVE THE ADDRESS...MAYBE THE "BADDIE" WILL GO WITH IT...
I really am sorry that no one believes that I had a 70 point jump on my score when I had an address deleted. The fact is it is true and nothing else was deleted. again, the only other possible explanation was that there were a lot of negs. connected to that address. However, none of the negs connected to the address was deleted. That's all there is to it. If there was some flaw in their system at the time I'm glad for it. But as for the "of course there was more to it" school of thought, there simply wasn't.
Robin... It is our duty as veterans of this board (am I allowed to consider myself one yet?) to state clearly what the norm is and what isn't. You made the comment that nothing else was deleted. Keep in mind that deletions are not the only things that improve your score. Aging of accounts (positive & negative) increase one's score, especially if there are any anniversaries involved. The bottom line is this - previous addresses are not considered when calculating a FICO score. Please visit this link: http://www.myfico.com/MyFICO/CreditCentral/ScoringWorks/FICOIgnores.htm It should put this issue to rest.
I am sorry that I somehow managed to offend by sharing my experiences. The fact is that is what happened. Granted my negs are all over 3yrs but I had no chage in score for all that time. I just found it coincidental that the score jump would happen at the same time as I deleted the address. Also how much are aging accounts worth. 70 points? I don't think so. And whats with this "veteran of the board stuff"? What makes you a veteran? How many times you've posted 100, 150, 1000 or the quality of your posts regardless of the number. Something to think about.
I think what tmitchell was trying to get across is that when a person posts on the boards and list a credit boosting tip to improve your scores, many members, mainly newbies will run and try that trick. Tmitchell was just trying to point out that it has been said and stated on FICO sites, that an address doesn't factor into the scoring system, so this tip will not help people boost their scores. Who really knows why you got the score boost , just be happy you did. A 70 point jump is GREAT And I just read this was TU, heck it could have rained that day, I swear they pull their scores out of thin air LOL.
Robin... You appear to be the one that is offended. I mention the veteran status not as a braggart but as one of experience. I don't recall making any mention of how many posts I've made. Momof3 is right (and I've seen it before) - newbies are sometimes real quick to see some tip and then immediately try it only to find it actually hurt them more than it helped. I don't think I said anything offensive. If you find my advice offensive because you disagree with it, that is your right and I respect that but please don't rip someone who is trying to help you - it won't get you too far around here.
tmitchell: I'll say this and then end the conversation. I have gotten a great deal of good advice from this board. Specifically because everyone is free to share their experiences and what worked for them. That is what I was doing, sharing what worked for me. However, it is comments like "veterans of the board" and "won't get you very far around here" that imply a clique mentality that many newbies experience when posting and having to beg for a reply. Further the idea that sharing my opinion would get me somehow blacklisted is ludicrous. If that is the mentality of the board(and I don't think it is) then we are all wasting our time because divisiveness does nothing for the cause. I think it would be wiser and more honest to say that "won't get you very far with me" instead of somehow imlying that the entire board shares your opinion. That said this conversation is OT and therefore need not be elaborated on further.
The thing is that old addresses are used as an identifying factor. So deleting old addresses is important. Charlie
Robin... I feel like I am speaking for most people here (old and new) in that ripping someone who is trying to help you won't get you far. Is that a stretch? I made no implications of a clique mentality here whatsoever. I stated a fact - most veterans here are more knowledgable and have more experience than the newer folks when it comes to credit repair. That doesn't mean they are always right BUT the fact remains - there have been quite a few who have stated that address deletions have nothing to do with scoring. Fair Isaac's own website supports that claim. So if you are upset, don't be upset with me - call Fair Isaac. Now, I have no problems with you sharing your experience here as that is what the purpose of this board is. That said, if the more experienced folks here recognize something as not totally accurate, they should probably point it out as a service to those who are new to credit repair. Charlie - I don't disagree with you. I just don't want to see new folks getting disappointed when they try this tactic and it produces no results.
I think what tmitchell meant by "veterans of the board" is someone who knows more than where this website is. I used to be a newbie, and I used to think that my scores were everything. Now I know that the wind changed direction, so I gained 4 points. Someone has a cold, I lost 16 points. The fact remains that we are all here to help each other, and your experiences, and others comments about them (good and bad), help everyone learn. I think that this board is all about learning, experiences, and comments. As far as the rest of your statement, and tmitchell's, there have been many posters here who have managed to offend not one, but many of the "regular" posters, if you will, and have quickly been corrected. Then the offensive poster either made a decision to stay and learn, or leave and regret offending one of the creditnetters. I hope that you will stay and learn, as we can all use new experiences, and comments. I know I can.