For one of my friends, absolutely everything in her last dispute was verified. For another friend, everything except a judgment was verified. They supposedly VERIFY even when TU and EQ don't! I think they are being lazy... Would like to hear from some other's with similar experiences, as well as those who have great results from EXP.
I'm about to go "mono a mono" with EXP.... Yeah...they "claim" to verify everything, and I'm sure they do....they use the same old method to verify (usually, tepe) and don't make the effort to do a bit more for verification (ie. phone call, etc)....thus, "garbage in, garbage out". Since I have provided specific information on numerous occassions regarding my disputes, they failed to provide a validate reference for my request for procedures, they have, more or less, violated the FCRA for similar actions as described in the Cushman v. Trans Union case Here is the applicable "justification" contained in this case: A credit reporting agency that has been notified of potentially inaccurate information in a consumer's credit report is in a very different position than one who has no such notice. . . . [A] credit reporting agency may initially rely on public court documents, because to require otherwise would be burdensome and inefficient. However, such exclusive reliance may not be justified once the credit reporting agency receives notice that the consumer disputes information contained in his credit report. When a credit reporting agency receives such notice, it can target its resources in a more efficient manner and conduct a more thorough investigation.
No, I've found Experian to be fairly good for the most part. Several times they verified when *I* was able to get a letter from the creditor shortly thereafter telling me it was an error, but I'm not positive that wasn't a mixup on the creditors end where maybe they verified, but when they heard from me, they actually checked their I really feel the CRAs need to have some type of assurances from the creditors that they are investigating when a dispute is submitted. I'm suprised they haven't gotten some type of indemnification from them already but I suspect they will as more and more lawsuits are filed. I truly believe that 90% of the creditors do not investigate past the name, address and SSN. If they ever really investigated, it would be obvious that a date is wrong, or a balance is wrong and a lot of the errors would be corrected right away. It always makes me chuckle when they are reporting three different things on TU, EQ, and EX. I mean come on...any semblance of an investigation would show that two of them would have to be incorrect. Anyway...just rambling, but by far I believe the worst is EQ. I have caught them twice saying they verified when the creditor says they were never contacted and no record existed of any type of communication with Equifax. L
Not to be contradictory with you at all whyspers, but that sounds like double work if you had to go to the original creditor and get the letter yourself to prove to Experian the inaccuracies they claim to have investigated. How crazy is that!!
I've only had 3 deleted with Exp out of eight that are completely wrong. You are right, past the name, address and SSN, they don't look much further.
We had good luck getting some Bk charge offs and hard inq's deleted. Not to mention 60 plus soft inq's deleted by using Doc's trick. Of course other Bk charge offs came back verified and none of us can dispute hard inq's any longer. The missing question here is whether Experian actually contacted the companies or not. We tend to think they did.
I hate experian! They are the hardest one for me to deal with. I can count on always sending two leters, This first dispute to which I receive the "verified" and the second more thretening letter. Finally I get the "this item has been deleted" By far, TU has been the easy one for me. Candi
Re: Poll: Experian verifies EVERYTH EX is the worst for me when it comes to luck with disputing. TU is by far the easiest for me. EQ is plain dumb. They can't do anything right to save their life, but at least when I dispute things with them they are suppressed (thanks for the Target Visa, EQ). I've got some tough ones on there that won't dispute off that I'm going to attack in a few weeks, after I take a short hiatus and enjoy the warm weather (while it lasts).
Re: Poll: Experian verifies EVERYTH I spoke with an Experian rep. She said all they have to do is verify name, address and SSN. If you write that you have the wrong balance for a collection they don't investigate and send a generic message that do not delete paid collections. I hate Exp and TU. Eq has been the best for me. I only have 1 negative left and it is in dispute and it will probably come off.
I had 8 negs on my Exp in March, have gotten 5 removed. Hubby had 5 and got 2 removed. We both have three stubborn ones that keep sticking, but I have old Exp reports that prove they're verifying incorrect info so I'm sending them the intent to sue on Monday ;-) Looks like two clean reports for us coming up. TU has by far been the easiest. 12 negs, 9 removed since March. Hubby had 5 negs, all 5 removed in one dispute. If only I could get them to remove those inquiries....
Gosh - this is a very interesting thread! In my experience, Experian has been my easiest to get things deleted. The worst is Equifax and TU is running a close second to them. Both EQ and TU have been verifying things that EXP can't. In fact, I just disputed three accounts of which I was an AU - and EQ would not delete... they verified that they were MY accounts, when they absolutely are not (in fact, I didn't even know these accounts existed until I started this credit repair thing!) I have to go through the CSC office in Houston for all my EQ disputes. I wonder if it makes a difference - whether you can dispute directly with Equifax or if you have to go through CSC? That could be a factor, maybe, as to why some people have luck with EQ while others who have to use CSC don't.
Woops... I got off topic here and forgot where I was going with my post. I started with 18 derogs on EXP in January of this year. I am now down to only 3. Plus, they updated my mortgage that had been 90 days late to "never late". However, my score still stinks - 583, up from 498 (embrassing!!!). The three charge-offs (totaling less than 2K) are my only negatives.
I think it really just depends on the month with me. TU deleted something but EX and EQ won't. EQ deleted my entire file...all negatives for my disputing two things. Someone at EQ was feeling really generous that day. My experience has been that EX tends to verify everything. They verified a 30 day late on my CR and when I sent the letter, it was returned. But then I find a new address on my CR. On an off note, I requested validation on a paid off car loan that was still listed as open and my score was 611. It came back closed but they reported a 30 day late (that previously was not reporting). My score did not change. In addition, on MYFICO, it does not list this account as having a negative impact on my score. Nothing else changed on my report - including balances dropping. Go figure - none of it makes any sense.
I have at least 17 innaccuracies on my EX, Do you realize that your credit score is wrong for 17 reasons?
There is a simple and unequivocal answer to this thread. When people sue the CRAs they should send out subpoenas requesting all information transmitted to the creditor and all information received back. A CRA that verifies off the tape, ie does not transmit all of the information contained in the consumer's dispute, is wilfully violating yet another provision of FCRA. Moral of the story. 1. Sue 2. Name personal defendants 3. Send subpoena