I finally received Fleet Instant Advantage Platinum Visa Card today and they approved me for $4200.The card is silver card and it is good looking. The card looks like the other Platinum Card. They also told me the pre-approval checks is part of the total credit limit. Actually I don't have $4200 credit line available to use and I need to pay all back to use the full amount. Ron.
Hello Ron, Major Congrats! Enjoy your new card! Just got my upgraded fusion card two days ago... is a very nice looking card as well.... Thx, Kev
Re: Fleet Instant Advantage Arrived kevin, Thanks.Did you get the Fusion Platinum Card or blue Fusion like mine? They sent me the Platinum Card even my credit limit is under $5000. I paid them back $3000 as soon as apossible. All I want the card not the money and the interest rate is pretty high. Ron.
Re: Fleet Instant Advantage Arrived Hello Ron, I got the blue one I did'nt know there is a platinum card for that.... cool congrats on you getting the platinum my cr line was $2000 with the regular card but when I got my cr line increase it went to $3500 and the apr is like 10.99% same as my regular card before... in another 9 mons I might be at platinum level... Thx, Kev
Re: Fleet Instant Advantage Arrived kevin, yes, they have a Fusion Platinum Card and they shoewd it on the website.Don't feel bad. They approved for $5000 and they still give me a regular blue Fusion Card. By the way, they don't have a Fusion Platinum Card a year ago. Don't bother to ask for a lower rate and upgrade to Platinum Card when credit line over $5000. They told me they cannot do that. You can increase your credit line over the automated phone system every 9 months. I did mine two times for both my Savings Bond Card (Edvance Card) and Fusion Card. The rate for my Fusion Card is 11.99% fixed and my Savings Bond MC Card is 15.99% fixed APR. Did you get your Fusion Card? I got mine and it was free a year ago. I haven't used it even for one time or hooked up to the computer. I got the USB version of the card reader. Ron.
That's strange.. I just got rejected from FLEET because they said I already ahve an account with them.. ever heard of that? Oh well..
Re: Fleet Instant Advantage Arrived Ender, They sent me pre-approval checks from the mail because I have good credit standing with them. I didn't apply for it. I deposit the check into my checking account and they pulled credit report from Experian. The pre-approval offer told me that I don't have to fill out long application. I have two Fleet accounts with them already and I have the account with Fleet over 2 yrs. Ron.
Re: Fleet Instant Advantage Arrived Hello Ron, Thanks for the info... yes I did get my fusion card in the mail is the blue one... no annual fee... $3500 cr line 10.99% fixed I only have one card with Fleet and is just 10 monts old now... I guess in Jan I will see if they will increase the cl automatically again without me requesting it.. and hopefully it will go to at least the $5000 so I can request to be coverted to Platinum at that time.. Congrats on having two cards with them... don't feel back about them not lowering the apr's I try with several other cards that I have and have no luck.. I try the following Sears Gold MC go to rate in a month 17.90% no reduction at all... Target Visa 12.90% no reduction until the account is a year old... Juniper 16.99% no reduction at all due to ecomony... so I will just have to wait and see what happens later on.. I am going to B/T the Sears Gold MC and Juniper off to my new National City Platinum 2.9 into for 6 mons... go to rate 11.24%.... Thx, Kev
Re: Fleet Instant Advantage Arrived kevin, Thanks. Target Visa got rate reduction to 9.9% fixed within 4 months of account opened. Juniper Card 14.99% Sears Gold MC 19.94% no reduction . I got an offer from Citi and they offer BT 4.9% fixed until it paid off. By the way I haven't heard National City Platinum. By the way, you got rate on your Fusion Card. Is it fixed rate or variable? Did you order your Fusion Card reader? I don't know now it is free or not. When I ordered mine about a year ago, mine was free. Ron.
Re: Fleet Instant Advantage Arrived Hello Ron, Major Congrats on the 9.9% with Target.... I had the card since Nov of last year... oh well... Congrats on Juniper too you are 2% lower then what they gave me.... Sears wow 19.94% sorry about that one yes the Fusion card has a rate of 10.99% fixed and no I have not order the smart card reader yet... I remember the Target one being useless... anyways take it easy... Thx, Kev
Re: Fleet Instant Advantage Arrived kevin, I have Sears card for over 6 months and tried to decrease APR... No.Juniper sent me pre-approval three months ago, they give me $500. horrible credit limit.Target Visa give me lowest fixed rate and you should call them again to lower... first they lower from 15.9%--->12.9% (1st Month) ---> 9.9% fixed rate (4th months) with good payment history. Limit increase:No go. I used it monthly and mostly inside the Target store. Ron.