genesis financial

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by zcraws33, May 30, 2002.

  1. zcraws33

    zcraws33 Well-Known Member

    anyone dealt with these people.

    sent 2 validation letters
    1st letter no reply
    2nd letter

    received a letter with their company letterhead. stating who they claim the account is from, date debt incurred and amount of debt.

    I then forwarded to them an intent to sue letter with copies of the BRENNAN vs Spears case, and the WOLLMAN letter attached.

    no reply to my intent to sue letter.But in the meantime I find that it has been deleted from EXP & TU.

    So I call to find out why they havent replied with the requested proof.I spoke with Tina Carter in compliance dept who states that by law, according to the occ and "industry standards" they are not required to maintain applications beyond 24 months.
    I have no record of this account. and told her this..
    she asked me why I am just now questioning the debt when it has been on my report since 1997. I told her I just found out about it a few months ago and did not see it on my report before.
    She then asked me for my address, ss# and lots of other detailed questions and asked me if I wanted to claim fraud on this account. She told me I would need to fill out an affidavit and send proof of my address in 1997 and thereafter, she also told me I needed to supply a copy of my social security card.

    SHOULD I JUST GO AHEAD WITH THE LAWSUIT? or should I fill out the fraud affidavit and give them all of my information?

    Has anyone done this before?

    ANy info would be greatly appreciated.
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    S U E

    should I fill out the fraud affidavit and give them all of my information?
    D O N ' T S E N D
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Are they out of Harker Heights, Texas? Charlie
  4. zcraws33

    zcraws33 Well-Known Member

    yes they are
  5. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I've seen 2 people with them on their report and both are Bally's accounts. They must be a joke. Harker Heights is in the middle of nowhere (around Temple and Ft Hood). They have both disputed in the last 2 week. Charlie
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Suzy Q, Do you have their #? I feel like harassing people today. Charlie
  7. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    Hey, Charlie,
    if you are just puttering around this PM, looking for something to amuse your remainder of the day, let me know. If you're willing to turn on your email, I'll send you summary of CR's, and you can evaluate and see if I have missed any opportinuties for deletions.

    << See a previous post about how I gave the CRA's too much information about Chap13 BK before I knew what I was doing, on the advice of my lawyer, I might add.. Other than the damned library/Unique Collections, I am afraid I am stuck wo/ additional ways to raise my score..

    I would welcome any insight about additional avenues that I might pursue.
  8. zcraws33

    zcraws33 Well-Known Member

    their number is 254 953 2300
  9. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Maggie75, Send it, it's on. Charlie
  10. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    it will take a bit, but I will

  11. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I just got off the phone with Genesis. Actually they hung up on me. I asked if they "validated" debts. I was transferred to 3 different people. The 1st 2 put me on hold, because I asked ONE ?. I asked if they validated debts and they said that they "verified" debts. The 3rd, Jim Lynch, moron supervisor, said that they verify debts which is the same thing as validating them. I said how come you don't answer letters. Moron said, "How do you know for sure if we got them?" I said that I honestly don't know, but I have a signed PS Form 3811(Cert. green card) sign by xxxx xxxx. Well sir can I have your SS. I asked him the time and asked him to please make sure he saved this tape recording. I asked by what laws, if any, are you bound by. He stammered and stuttered and said that if I didn't give him my SS he couldn't help me. I told the idiot that he is bound by the FDCPA and told him to write it down F-D-C-P-A. He hung up on me. I knew this place was a joke as soon as I heard it was Harker Heights. Like I said it is a town in the middle of nowhere. Lynch did make my day. I would say SUE these idiots and rack up all the violations that you can on em. Charlie

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Suzy Q,

    Have you decided on how to handle this?

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