Judgement ???'s

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by momof5, May 31, 2002.

  1. momof5

    momof5 Member

    Hi All!

    My fiance has a judgement on one report that was filed in 5/95, he says he was served with papers so I can't dispute it that way.lol We would like to pay this for it's only 104.00 and have it updated on his report or deleted. We called the court, no help told we had to call OC. Called OC waiting for response but would like to get some info from the experts on judgements.

    First, I went to cardreport.com to get sol on judgements for Delaware and it pops up as None. Does this mean it will always be on reports or can be collected until paid? Or if paid does it come off when the judgement is 10 years old as some can stay that long, which would be 2005!? Or does it start the whole 7/10 years again after paying?

    Second, can I ask the OC to have it removed with pay? And I'm sure reports would look better saying paid judgement but has anyone had any luck having it removed from the OC?

    Sorry for all the questions but this is the only negative on his report left on EQ and would like to remove it and have all correct information about the sol, both collecting and reporting.

    Thanks to all!
  2. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Think judgements are bound by the 7 year rule on credit reports, I am not sure, I never had one. Anyone have a clue? Never contact a OC, CA by phone. Trust me, I made a mistake that way.
  3. sl1029

    sl1029 Well-Known Member

    If he's had a change of address since the judgment, you can try the method that I learned about here. First, dispute the "previous address" listed on his report that coincides w/ the address used by the creditor. Once that has been removed, dispute the judgement as "not yours". Apparently, they have to be able to match up your name and EITHER your soc. sec. # or your address - and apparently most judgments don't include soc. sec. #.

    I just had one removed from equifax using this method...am working on Transunion now.

    Either way - I would't bother paying it unless you're trying for a mortgage - mine was paid and still killed my score.....
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Liens should drop off after 7 years, which would be this month. I would dispute it with the cra's as obsolete. I checked the creditinfo site also http://creditinfocenter.com/rebuild/statuteLimitationsJudgements.shtml
    It shows no SOL for judgments in Delaware as well. But, it does say that it should fall off in 7 years. Even though they may not be able to report it any longer, they can still try to collect.
  5. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I would contact oc with payment agreement for less than original amount. have him sign satisfaction letter for court.

    However, if it is that old, i doubt the court would verify it, try just disputing it and see if it goes away!
  6. momof5

    momof5 Member

    Great! Thanks to all!

    Yes, is was filed in 12/95 so it will fall off the end of the year. I will dispute it with EQ, the court we called on his report had no info and was told to call the OC. If comes back verified by EQ I will call back to OC to pay for deletion or just pay because the 7 year rule and comes off soon anyway. I was concerned that it had 3 more years left on report, and AT+T Universal declined him because of it.

    Sounds good! thanks everyone.

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